MICHAEL Gertrude
© Texte : Cinéfiches.com
Date de naissance 01/06/1911
Date de décès 31/12/1964
Vrai nom /
Agence ou contact
FEMMES EN PRISON (Women's prison) (1955)
NO ESCAPE (No escape) (1953)
LES CLAIRONS SONNENT LA CHARGE (Bugles in the afternoon) (1952)
LA PART DU JEU (Darling how could you !) (1951)
FEMMES EN CAGE (Caged) (1950)
BOULEVARD DES PASSIONS (Flamingo road) (1949)
SCANDALE EN PREMIERE PAGE (That wonderful urge) (1948)
L'AVENTURIERE DE SAN FRANCISCO (Allotment wives) (1945)
CLUB HAVANA (Club Havana) (1945)
FEMMES ENCHAINEES (Women in bondage) (1943)
PAROLE FIXER (Parole fixer) (1940)
MR DODD TAKES THE AIR (Mr Dodd takes the air) (1937)
INTELLIGENCE SERVICE (The last outpost) (1935)
ULTIME FORFAIT (Four hours to kill !) (1935)
CLEOPATRE (Cleopatra) (1934)
THE NOTORIOUS SOPHIE LANG (The notorious sophie lang) (1934)
BOLERO (Bolero) (1934)
MURDER ON THE BLACKBOARD (Murder on the blackboard) (1934)
NIGHT OF TERROR (Night of terror) (1933)
JE NE SUIS PAS UN ANGE (I'm no angel) (1933)
MONSIEUR BEBE (A bedtime story) (1933)
ANN VICKERS (Ann Vickers) (1933)
LE MASQUE D'OR (The mask of Fu Manchu) (1932)