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Date de naissance 13/03/1907
Date de décès 03/03/1974
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LA REVANCHE DU SICILIEN (Johnny Cool) (1963)
LES ASTUCES DE LA VEUVE (A ticklish affair) (1963)
SWINGIN' ALONG (Swingin' along) (1961)
LE GENTLEMAN EN KIMONO (A majority of one) (1961)
NE MANGEZ PAS LES MARGUERITES (Please don't eat the daisies) (1960)
LA MORT AUX TROUSSES (North by northwest) (1959)
VIOLENCE AU KANSAS (The jayhawkers) (1959)
GO, JOHNNY, GO ! (Go Johnny go) (1959)
LE BAGARREUR DU MONTANA (Man from god's country) (1958)
LA BLONDE OU LA ROUSSE (Pal joey) (1957)
CONTREBANDE AU CAIRE (Tip on a dead jockey) (1957)
KELLY ET MOI (Kelly and me) (1957)
NE DITES JAMAIS ADIEU (Never say goodbye) (1956)
LES DIX COMMANDEMENTS (The ten commandments) (1956)
LE PRIX DE LA PEUR (The price of fear) (1956)
UN VRAI CINGLE DE CINEMA (Hollywood or bust) (1956)
L'HOMME AU COMPLET GRIS (The man in the gray flannel suit) (1956)
LA VRP DE CHOC (The first traveling saleslady) (1956)
LES SOUCOUPES VOLANTES ATTAQUENT (Earth vs. the flying saucers) (1956)
PAVILLON DE COMBAT (The eternal sea) (1955)
CONDAMNE AU SILENCE (The court martial of Billy Mitchell) (1955)
VIVA LAS VEGAS (Meet me in Las Vegas) (1955)
LE PROCES (Trial) (1955)
DEUX NIGAUDS CHEZ LES FLICS (Abbott and Costello meet the Keystone Kops) (1955)
ALIBI MEURTRIER (Naked alibi) (1954)
MISSION PERILLEUSE (Dangerous mission) (1954)
LA FURIE DU DESIR (Ruby Gentry) (1953)
COMMERAGES (Affair with a stranger) (1953)
L'ATTAQUE DES MARTIENS (Invaders from Mars) (1953)
LE GENTILHOMME DE LA LOUISIANE (The Mississippi gambler) (1953)
HISTOIRE DE TROIS AMOURS (The story of three loves) (1953)
L'AUTO SANGLANTE (Code two) (1953)
THE KID FROM LEFT FIELD (The kid from left field) (1953)
LE TRIOMPHE DE BUFFALO BILL (Pony express) (1952)
BAS LES MASQUES (Deadline USA) (1952)
LA PEUR DU SCALP (The half-breed) (1952)
SOUS LE PLUS GRAND CHAPITEAU DU MONDE (The greatest show on earth) (1952)
LA VOIX DU COEUR (Flesh and fury) (1952)
UN GARCON ENTREPRENANT (Young man with ideas) (1952)
L'AMBITIEUSE (Payment on demand) (1951)
RENDEZ-MOI MA FEMME (As young as you feel) (1951)
TOUT OU RIEN (Go for broke) (1951)
LE FAUVE EN LIBERTE (Kiss tomorrow goodbye) (1950)
LA BONNE COMBINE (Mr 880) (1950)
LE KID DU TEXAS (The kid from Texas) (1950)
VOYAGE A RIO (Nancy goes to Rio) (1950)
SHOW BOAT (Show boat) (1950)
JEUX CLANDESTINS (Gambling house) (1950)
LE REBELLE (The fountainhead) (1949)
SAMSON ET DALILA (Samson and Delilah) (1949)
LE PIGEON D'ARGILE (The clay pigeon) (1949)
LES CHEVALIERS DU TEXAS (South of St. Louis) (1949)
MALAYA (Malaya) (1949)
FRANCAISE D'OCCASION (Slightly french) (1949)
LE MIRACLE DES CLOCHES (The miracle of the bells) (1948)
VIVONS UN PEU (Let's live a little) (1948)
ALWAYS TOGETHER (Always together) (1948)
L'HOMME LE PLUS AIME (The Babe Ruth story) (1948)
PENDEZ-MOI HAUT ET COURT (Out of the past) (1947)
L'ILE ENCHANTEE (High barbaree) (1947)
L'ETERNEL TOURMENT (Cass Timberlane) (1947)
LE MUR INVISIBLE (Gentleman's agreement) (1947)
EN MARGE DE L'ENQUETE (Dead reckoning) (1947)
AU CARREFOUR DU SIECLE (The beginning or the end) (1947)
AVENTURE A DEUX (The voice of the turtle) (1947)
J'ACCUSE CETTE FEMME (Mr. District Attorney) (1947)
MON LOUFOQUE DE MARI (Her husband's affairs) (1947)
SOMETHING IN THE WIND (Something in the wind) (1947)
CAPE ET POIGNARD (Cloak and dagger) (1946)
LES ENCHAINES (Notorious) (1946)
NEW YORK - LOS ANGELES (Without reservations) (1946)
L'ODYSSEE DU DOCTEUR WASSELL (The story of Dr Wassell) (1944)
HOLLYWOOD PARADE (Follow the boys) (1944)
IN THE MEANTIME DARLING (In the meantime darling) (1944)
LONA LA SAUVAGEONNE (Rainbow island) (1944)
L'ANGE DES TENEBRES (Edge of darkness) (1943)
L'IMPOSTEUR (The impostor) (1943)
L'ETOILE DU NORD (The north star) (1943)
LA CHARGE FANTASTIQUE (They died with their boots on) (1942)
DANSEUSE DE CABARET (Juke girl) (1942)
GRIFFES JAUNES (Across the pacific) (1942)
BULLET SCARS (Bullet scars) (1942)
LA FORTERESSE VOLANTE (Flying fortress) (1942)
KNOCKOUT (Knockout) (1941)
DES PAS DANS LA NUIT (Footsteps in the dark) (1941)
SERGENT YORK (Sergeant York) (1941)
MURDER IN THE BIG HOUSE (Murder in the big house) (1941)
THE SMILING GHOST (The smiling ghost) (1941)
MA FEMME SE MARIE DEMAIN (Affectionately yours) (1941)
BANDITS D'HONNEUR (Bad men of Missouri) (1941)
L'AMOUR ET LA BETE (The wagons roll at night) (1941)
L'AIGLE DES MERS (The sea hawk) (1940)
LA CARAVANE HEROIQUE (Virginia city) (1940)
UNE FEMME DANGEREUSE (They drive by night) (1940)
LA PISTE DE SANTA FE (Santa Fe trail) (1940)
VOYAGE SANS RETOUR (Till we meet again) (1940)
LE REGIMENT DES BAGARREURS (The fighting 69th) (1940)
GAMBLING ON THE HIGH SEAS (Gambling on the high seas) (1940)
MURDER IN THE AIR (Murder in the air) (1940)
LES FANTASTIQUES ANNEES 20 (The roaring twenties) (1939)