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Date de naissance 29/04/1909
Date de décès 12/09/1994
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MARILYN MONROE : BEYOND THE LEGEND (Marilyn Monroe: beyond the legend) (1987)
EASY MONEY (Easy money) (1983)
GATSBY LE MAGNIFIQUE (The great Gatsby) (1974)
ILS NE TUENT QUE LEURS MAITRES (They only kill their masters) (1972)
TROUVER UN HOMME (To find a man) (1972)
TROIS RESERVISTES EN JAVA (Suppose they gave a war and nobody came) (1970)
LA FOIRE AUX ILLUSIONS (State fair) (1962)
TENDRE EST LA NUIT (Tender is the night) (1961)
COMMENT DEVALISER UNE BONNE PETITE BANQUE (A nice little bank that should be robbed) (1958)
LA BLONDE ET MOI (The girl can't help it) (1956)
THE GREAT AMERICAN PASTIME (The great american pastime) (1956)
SEPT ANS DE REFLEXION (The seven year itch) (1955)
DEUX NIGAUDS EN ALASKA (Lost in Alaska) (1952)
GUERILLAS (American guerilla in the Philippines) (1950)
MONSIEUR MUSIC (Mr Music) (1950)
MA VIE A MOI (A life of her own) (1950)
MADAME PORTE LA CULOTTE (Adam's rib) (1949)
DROLE DE MARIAGE (They knew what they wanted) (1940)