FAYE Herbie
© Texte : Cinéfiches.com
Date de naissance 02/02/1899
Date de décès 28/06/1980
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MELVIN AND HOWARD (Melvin and Howard) (1980)
THE LOVE GOD ? (The love god ?) (1969)
ANGEL IN MY POCKET (Angel in my pocket) (1969)
THE NIGHT THEY RAIDED MINSKY'S (The night they raided Minsky's) (1968)
LE FANTOME DE BARBE-NOIRE (Blackbeard's ghost) (1968)
ENTER LAUGHING (Enter laughing) (1967)
MILLIE (Thoroughly modern Millie) (1966)
LA GRANDE COMBINE (The fortune cookie) (1966)
LES TONTONS FARCEURS (The family jewels) (1965)
JERRY CHEZ LES CINOQUES (The disorderly orderly) (1964)
JERRY SOUFFRE-DOULEUR (The patsy) (1964)
LE PIMENT DE LA VIE (The thrill of it all) (1963)
T'ES PLUS DANS LA COURSE PAPA (Come blow your horn) (1963)
REQUIEM POUR UN CHAMPION (Requiem for a heavyweight) (1962)
TOUS LES COUPS SONT PERMIS (Never steal anything small) (1958)
PLUS DURE SERA LA CHUTE (The harder they fall) (1956)
ANGE OU DEMON (The shrike) (1955)