FOX Kerry
© Texte : Ciné
Date de naissance 30/07/1966
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Comédienne néo-zélandaise .....
LITTLE JOE (Little Joe) (2019)
LITTLE JOE (Little Joe) (2018)
INTRUDERS (Intruders) (2011)
BRIGHT STAR (Bright Star) (2008)
NICELAND (Niceland (population 1.000.002)) (2004)
LES TEMOINS (The gathering) (2002)
INTIMITE (Intimacy) (2001)
THINKING ABOUT SLEEP (Thinking about sleep) (1999)
TO WALK WITH LIONS (To walk with lions) (1999)
FANNY ET ELVIS (Fanny and Elvis) (1999)
LA SAGESSE DES CROCODILES (The wisdom of crocodiles) (1998)
THE SOUND OF ONE HAND CLAPPING (The sound of one hand clapping) (1998)
WELCOME TO SARAJEVO (Welcome to Sarajevo) (1996)
PETITS MEURTRES ENTRE AMIS (Shallow grave) (1994)
COUNTRY LIFE (Country life) (1994)
THE LAST TATTOO (The last tattoo) (1994)
FRIENDS (Friends) (1993)
THE RAINBOW WARRIOR (The rainbow warrior) (1992)
THE LAST DAYS OF CHEZ NOUS (The last days of chez nous) (1991)
UN ANGE A MA TABLE (An angel at my table) (1990)