© Photo : Twenty Century Fox
© Texte : Ciné
Date de naissance 22/02/1856
Date de décès 10/11/1939
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QUASIMODO (The hunchback of Notre-Dame) (1939)
LA GRANDE FARANDOLE (The story of Vernon and Irene Castle) (1939)
FANNY (Port of seven seas) (1938)
LA PAUVRE MILLIONNAIRE (There goes my heart) (1938)
ON S'EST BIEN AMUSE (Having wonderful time) (1938)
LE PROFESSEUR SCHNOCK (Professor beware) (1938)
CHARMANTE FAMILLE (Danger, love at work) (1937)
LE GRAND GARRICK (The great Garrick) (1937)
APRES (The road back) (1937)
AU SEUIL DE LA VIE (The devil is a sissy) (1936)
GO WEST YOUNG MAN (Go west young man) (1936)
TOUTE LA VILLE EN PARLE (The whole town's talking) (1935)
VIVRE SA VIE (I live my life) (1935)
POURVU QUE CA TOMBE (In old Kentucky) (1935)
LE CONQUERANT DES INDES (Clive of India) (1935)
TRAIN DE LUXE (Twentieth century) (1934)
PIRATES DE LA MODE (Fashions of 1934) (1934)
MANDALAY (Mandalay) (1934)
BORN TO BE BAD (Born to be bad) (1934)
ET DEMAIN ? (Little man what now ?) (1934)
LA BOULE ROUGE (Blood money) (1933)
MEURTRE AU CHENIL (The kennel murder case) (1933)