un film (VF ou VO)
un acteur
un réalisateur
un caméraman
un compositeur
GOULD William
Texte :
Date de naissance
Date de décès
Vrai nom
GOULD William Howard
Agence ou contact
DEUX NIGAUDS EN ALASKA (Lost in Alaska) (1952)
LES AMANTS DU CRIME (Tomorrow is another day) (1951)
THE MAN WHO CHEATED HIMSELF (The man who cheated himself) (1950)
L'ARAIGNEE (Woman in hiding) (1949)
LE GRAND TOURBILLON (Look for the silver lining) (1949)
HORIZONS EN FLAMMES (Task force) (1949)
LA VILLE ABANDONNEE (Yellow sky) (1948)
LA RIVIERE D'ARGENT (Silver river) (1948)
ROSE D'IRLANDE (My wild irish rose) (1947)
UNE VIE PERDUE (Smash up - the story of a woman) (1947)
AVENTURE A DEUX (The voice of the turtle) (1947)
DICK TRACY CONTRE LE GANG (Dick Tracy meets gruesome) (1947)
MON LOUFOQUE DE MARI (Her husband's affairs) (1947)
ONCE UPON A TIME (Once upon a time) (1944)
MISSION A MOSCOU (Mission to Moscow) (1943)
LA CITE SANS HOMMES (City without men) (1943)
LA JUSTICE DES HOMMES (The talk of the town) (1942)
LA CINQUIEME COLONNE (Saboteur) (1942)
DANSEUSE DE CABARET (Juke girl) (1942)
LA FIEVRE DE L'OR NOIR (Pittsburgh) (1942)
LE CAID (The big shot) (1942)
LA GRANDE EVASION (High sierra) (1941)
DEUX NIGAUDS SOLDATS (Buck privates) (1941)
L'OR DU CIEL (Pot o'gold) (1941)
AU SEUIL DU PARADIS (One foot in heaven) (1941)
LE VAISSEAU FANTOME (The sea wolf) (1941)
MURDER IN THE BIG HOUSE (Murder in the big house) (1941)
PAPA SE MARIE (Father takes a wife) (1941)
THE GREAT MR. NOBODY (The great Mr. Nobody) (1941)
BANDITS D'HONNEUR (Bad men of Missouri) (1941)
THE MAN WHO LOST HIMSELF (The man who lost himself) (1941)
VOYAGE SANS RETOUR (Till we meet again) (1940)
LA FEMME AUX CHEVEUX ROUGES (Lady with red hair) (1940)
WHEN THE DALTONS RODE (When the Daltons rode) (1940)
L'OR NOIR (Flowing gold) (1940)
MURDER IN THE AIR (Murder in the air) (1940)
L'ILE DES DAMNES (Island of doomed man) (1940)
MONSIEUR MOTO EN ORIENT (Mr. Moto takes a vacation) (1939)
HOMMES SANS LOI (King of the underworld) (1939)
TROIS JEUNES FILLES ONT GRANDI (Three smart girls grow up) (1939)
LES AVEUX D'UN ESPION NAZI (Confessions of a nazi spy) (1939)
BILL HICKOK LE SAUVAGE (The great aventures of Wild Bill Hickok) (1938)
MENACES SUR LA VILLE (Racket busters) (1938)
FEMMES DELAISSEES (Wives under suspicion) (1938)
PARTNERS IN CRIME (Partners in crime) (1937)
L'OR ET LA CHAIR (The toast of New York) (1937)
DANS LES MAILLES DU FILET (Renfrew of the royal mounted) (1937)
NICK GENTLEMAN DETECTIVE (After the thin man) (1936)
UNE NUIT A L'OPERA (A night at the opera) (1935)
LE MYSTERE DU COLORADO (Mystery mountain) (1934)
L'HOMME QUI RECLAMAIT SA TETE (The man who reclaimed his head) (1934)
LA FEMME LA PLUS RICHE DU MONDE (The richest girl in the world) (1934)