HICKS Russell
© Photo : Universal
© Texte : Cinéfiches.com
Date de naissance 04/06/1895
Date de décès 01/06/1957
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Décédé le 01.06.1957 d'une crise cardiaque .....
L'EXTRAVAGANTE HERITIERE (You can't run away from it) (1956)
LA BELLE DU MONTANA (Belle Le Grand) (1951)
QUATORZE HEURES (Fourteen hours) (1951)
LA SCANDALEUSE INGENUE (The petty girl) (1950)
LE CHEVALIER DE BACCHUS (The big hangover) (1950)
JAMAIS DEUX SANS TOI (Duchess of Idaho) (1950)
LE REBELLE (The fountainhead) (1949)
SAMSON ET DALILA (Samson and Delilah) (1949)
LES CHEVALIERS DU TEXAS (South of St. Louis) (1949)
MALAYA (Malaya) (1949)
LA FLECHE NOIRE (The black arrow) (1948)
MA CHERE SECRETAIRE (My dear secretary) (1948)
LES PILLARDS (The plunderers) (1948)
TRENTE-SIX HEURES A VIVRE (The noose hangs high) (1948)
LA RIVIERE D'ARGENT (Silver river) (1948)
QUAND LE RIDEAU TOMBE (The velvet touch) (1948)
L'EMPRISE (The hunted) (1948)
SA DERNIERE FOULEE (The return of October) (1948)
UNE FEMME SANS AMOUR (The mating of Millie) (1948)
LEGENDE DU TEXAS (The fabulous Texan) (1948)
THE SHANGHAI CHEST (The Shanghaï chest) (1948)
HOLLYWOOD EN FOLIE (Variety girl) (1947)
AU CARREFOUR DU SIECLE (The beginning or the end) (1947)
DEUX NIGAUDS DEMOBILISES (Buck privates come home) (1947)
LE MAITRE DE LA PRAIRIE (The sea of grass) (1946)
LE FILS DE ROBIN DES BOIS (The bandit of Sherwood forest) (1946)
DARK ALIBI (Dark alibi) (1946)
LA BELLE DE SAN FRANCISCO (Flame of the barbary coast) (1945)
LA RUE ROUGE (Scarlet street) (1945)
UN JEU DE MORT (A game of death) (1945)
LA VALLEE DU JUGEMENT (The valley of decision) (1945)
WEEK-END AU WALDORF (Week-end at the Waldorf) (1945)
LE PREMIER AMERICAIN A TOKYO (First Yank into Tokyo) (1945)
LE BAL DES SIRENES (Bathing beauty) (1944)
JANIE (Janie) (1944)
LAUREL ET HARDY CHEFS D'ILOTS (Air raids wardens) (1943)
DU SANG SUR LA NEIGE (Northern pursuit) (1943)
LA SOEUR DE SON VALET (His butler's sister) (1943)
LA LOI DU FAR WEST (The woman of the town) (1943)
SOMEONE TO REMEMBER (Someone to remember) (1943)
LA CHARGE FANTASTIQUE (They died with their boots on) (1942)
TARZAN A NEW YORK (Tarzan's New York adventure) (1942)
DEUX NIGAUDS COW-BOYS (Ride'em cowboy) (1942)
ARENES SANGLANTES (Blood and sand) (1941)
FRANC-JEU (Honky Tonk) (1941)
LA VIPERE (The little foxes) (1941)
LES MARX AU GRAND MAGASIN (The big store) (1941)
UN DIMANCHE APRES-MIDI (The strawberry blonde) (1941)
LE GRAND MENSONGE (The great lie) (1941)
BOMBARDIERS EN PIQUE (Dive bomber) (1941)
SERGENT YORK (Sergeant York) (1941)
UN AMERICAIN PUR SANG (Joe Smith american) (1941)
DANSE AUTOUR DE LA VIE (We were dancing) (1941)
QUEL PETARD ! (Great guns) (1941)
HERE COMES HAPPINESS (Here comes happiness) (1941)
ELLERY QUEEN'S PENTHOUSE MYSTERY (Ellery queen's penthouse mystery) (1941)
FANTOMES EN VADROUILLE (Hold that ghost) (1941)
THE MAN WHO LOST HIMSELF (The man who lost himself) (1941)
L'ECHAPPE DE LA CHAISE ELECTRIQUE (Man mad monster) (1941)
DOCTORS DON'T TELL (Doctors don't tell) (1941)
LA CARAVANE HEROIQUE (Virginia city) (1940)
LA TEMPETE QUI TUE (The mortal storm) (1940)
LA PISTE DE SANTA FE (Santa Fe trail) (1940)
L'OISEAU BLEU (The Blue Bird) (1940)
LE RETOUR DE FRANK JAMES (The return of Frank James) (1940)
LA MAISON DES SEPT PECHES (Seven sinners) (1940)
JOHNNY APOLLO (Johnny Apollo) (1940)
PAROLE FIXER (Parole fixer) (1940)
LA FEMME AUX CHEVEUX ROUGES (Lady with red hair) (1940)
NO NO NANETTE (No no Nanette) (1940)
MINES DE RIEN (The bank dick) (1940)
QUEEN OF THE MOB (Queen of the mob) (1940)
LA GLORIEUSE AVENTURE (The real glory) (1939)
PACIFIC EXPRESS (Union Pacific) (1939)
LES MAITRES DE LA MER (Rulers of the sea) (1939)
LA GRANDE FARANDOLE (The story of Vernon and Irene Castle) (1939)
STANLEY ET LIVINGSTONE (Stanley and Livingstone) (1939)
ET LA PAROLE FUT... (The story of Alexander Graham Bell) (1939)
VOUS NE L'EMPORTEREZ PAS AVEC VOUS (You can't take it with you) (1938)
LE PROSCRIT (Kidnapped) (1938)
CET AGE INGRAT (That certain age) (1938)
ON DEMANDE UNE ETOILE (Pick a star) (1937)
L'INCENDIE DE CHICAGO (In old Chicago) (1937)
PARTNERS IN CRIME (Partners in crime) (1937)
L'OR ET LA CHAIR (The toast of New York) (1937)
KING OF GAMBLERS (King of gamblers) (1937)
LES CRIMINELS DE L'AIR (Criminals of the air) (1937)
L'EXTRAVAGANT MONSIEUR DEEDS (Mr. Deeds goes to town) (1936)
EN SUIVANT LA FLOTTE (Follow the fleet) (1936)
FATAL LADY (Fatal lady) (1936)
SPENDTHRIFT (Spendthrift) (1936)
CARDINAL RICHELIEU (Cardinal Richelieu) (1935)
LE BOUSILLEUR (Devil dogs of the air) (1935)
LA DAME EN ROUGE (The woman in red) (1935)
L'ENFER (Dante's inferno) (1935)
CHARLIE CHAN A SHANGHAI (Charlie Chan in Shanghai) (1935)
THANKS A MILLION (Thanks a million) (1935)
LE CABOCHARD (The St. Louis kid) (1934)
INTOLERANCE (Intolerance) (1916)
NAISSANCE D'UNE NATION (Birth of a nation) (1914)