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Date de naissance 04/07/1886
Date de décès 07/09/1967
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Décédé le 08.09.1967 d'une attaque cardiaque .....
IT CONQUERED THE WORLD (It conquered the world) (1956)
LE ROI DU RACKET (The naked street) (1955)
DESIR DE FEMME (All I desire) (1953)
CHASSE AU GANG (Crime wave) (1953)
VICTIME DU DESTIN (The lawless breed) (1952)
APPEL D'UN INCONNU (Phone call from a stranger) (1952)
LE JOYEUX CHARLATAN (Meet me at the fair) (1952)
LA PARADE DE LA GLOIRE (Stars ans stripes forever) (1952)
MIDI GARE CENTRALE (Union station) (1950)
LE DROIT DE TUER (Live today for tomorrow) (1948)
L'EMPRISE (The hunted) (1948)
PETER IBBETSON A RAISON (The guilt of Janet Ames) (1947)
LE GRAND SOMMEIL (The big sleep) (1946)
VALLEY OF THE ZOMBIES (Valley of the zombies) (1946)
LA RUE ROUGE (Scarlet street) (1945)
LA FEMME AU PORTRAIT (The woman in the window) (1944)
ROGER TOUHY GANGSTER (Roger Touhy gangster) (1944)
LA GLORIEUSE PARADE (Yankee doodle dandy) (1942)
LA FEMME AUX CHEVEUX ROUGES (Lady with red hair) (1940)
LE GANT D'OR (Golden gloves) (1940)
BEAU GESTE (Beau Geste) (1939)
UN HOMME A LA PAGE (Tell no tales) (1939)
NICK JOUE ET GAGNE (Another thin man) (1939)
LES ANGES AUX FIGURES SALES (Angels with dirty faces) (1938)
LE MYSTERIEUX DOCTEUR CLITTERHOUSE (The amazing Dr Clitterhouse) (1938)
HOLLYWOOD BOULEVARD (Hollywood boulevard) (1936)
PALACE HOTEL (Gold diggers of 1935) (1935)
L'APPEL DE LA FORET (The call of the wild) (1935)
AGENT SPECIAL (Special agent) (1935)
THE CASE OF THE CURIOUS BRIDE (The case of the curious bride) (1935)
TETE CHAUDE (The Irish in US) (1935)
LES DERNIERS JOURS DE POMPEI (The last days of Pompeii) (1935)
UN DRAME A MANHATTAN (Manhattan melodrama) (1934)
L'INTROUVABLE (The thin man) (1934)
MASQUES DE CIRE (The mystery of the wax museum) (1933)
FROM HELL TO HEAVEN (From hell to heaven) (1933)
VAGABONDS DU CIEL (Parachute jumper) (1933)
L'ETRANGE PASSION DE MOLLY LOUVAIN (The strange love of Molly Louvain) (1932)
DOCTEUR X (Doctor X) (1932)
THE HALF NAKED TRUTH (The half naked truth) (1932)
BIG CITY BLUES (Big city blues) (1932)
WEEK-END MARRIAGE (Week-end marriage) (1932)
LE PETIT CESAR (Little Caesar) (1930)