© Texte : Ciné
Date de naissance 25/08/1916
Date de décès 12/12/2008
Vrai nom JOHNSON Van Charles
JOHNSON Van Charles
- Ciné-Revue numéro 14 (2002)
- Fiche de Monsieur Cinéma
Agence ou contact
LA FUITE AU PARADIS (Fuga dal paradiso) (1990)
KILLER CROCODILE (Killer crocodile) (1989)
TAXI KILLER (Taxi killer) (1989)
LAGGIU NELLA GIUNGLA (Laggiu nella giungla) (1986)
THAT'S DANCING (That's dancing) (1985)
LA ROSE POURPRE DU CAIRE (The purple rose of Cairo) (1984)
CRIMES AU CIMETIERE ETRUSQUE (Assassinio al cimitero etrusco) (1982)
CORLEONE A BROOKLYN (Da Corleone a Brooklyn) (1979)
L'ENLEVEMENT DU PRESIDENT (The kidnapping of the president) (1979)
S.O.S. CONCORDE (Concorde affaire 79) (1978)
IL ETAIT UNE FOIS HOLLYWOOD (That's entertainment !) (1974)
L'OEIL DE L'ARAIGNEE (L'occhio del ragno) (1971)
MISSION SUICIDE (Company of killers) (1970)
SUR ORDRE DU FUHRER (La battaglia d'Inghilterra) (1969)
GAMINES EXPLOSIVES (Where angels go trouble follows) (1968)
LES TIENS, LES MIENS, LE NOTRE (Yours, mine and ours) (1968)
DIVORCE A L'AMERICAINE (Divorce american style) (1967)
LE GENERAL ENNEMI (The enemy general) (1960)
CRI D'ANGOISSE (Subway in the sky) (1959)
ESPIONS EN UNIFORME (The last Blitzkrieg) (1958)
AU BORD DU VOLCAN (Action of the tiger) (1957)
KELLY ET MOI (Kelly and me) (1957)
A 23 PAS DU MYSTERE (23 paces to Baker Street) (1956)
CALOMNIE (Slander) (1956)
LE FOND DE LA BOUTEILLE (The bottom of the bottle) (1955)
VIVRE UN GRAND AMOUR (The end of the affair) (1955)
L'ESCADRILLE PANTHERE (Men of the fighting lady) (1954)
BRIGADOON (Brigadoon) (1954)
OURAGAN SUR LE CAINE (The Caine mutiny) (1954)
LA DERNIERE FOIS QUE J'AI VU PARIS (The last time I saw Paris) (1954)
L'ATTAQUE DE LA RIVIERE ROUGE (The siege at Red River) (1953)
DROLE DE MEURTRE (Remains to be seen) (1953)
DESIR D'AMOUR (Easy to love) (1953)
CONFIDENTIALLY CONNIE (Confidentially Connie) (1953)
CAPITAINE SANS LOI (Plymouth adventure) (1952)
WHEN IN ROME (When in Rome) (1952)
L'INVITATION (Invitation) (1951)
LE JOUR BENI (It's a big country) (1951)
TOUT OU RIEN (Go for broke) (1951)
LE CHEVALIER DE BACCHUS (The big hangover) (1950)
JAMAIS DEUX SANS TOI (Duchess of Idaho) (1950)
J'EPOUSE MON MARI (Grounds for marriage) (1950)
BASTOGNE (Battleground) (1949)
LA SCENE DU CRIME (Scene of the crime) (1949)
AMOUR POSTE RESTANTE (In the good old summertime) (1949)
L'ENJEU (State of the union) (1948)
TRAGIQUE DECISION (Command decision) (1948)
LA MARIEE EST FOLLE (The bride goes wild) (1948)
L'HEURE DU PARDON (Romance of Rosy Ridge) (1947)
L'ILE ENCHANTEE (High barbaree) (1947)
EVE ETERNELLE (Easy to wed) (1946)
LA PLUIE QUI CHANTE (Till the clouds roll by) (1946)
ZIEGFELD FOLLIES (Ziegfeld follies) (1945)
WEEK-END AU WALDORF (Week-end at the Waldorf) (1945)
FRISSON D'AMOUR (Thrill of a romance) (1945)
LES BLANCHES FALAISES DE DOUVRES (The white cliffs of Dover) (1944)
TRENTE SECONDES SUR TOKYO (Thirty seconds over Tokyo) (1944)
DEUX JEUNES FILLES ET UN MARIN (Two girls and a sailor) (1944)
MADAME CURIE (Madame Curie) (1943)
UN NOMME JOE (A guy named Joe) (1943)
PILOTE NUMERO 5 (Pilot number 5) (1943)
TROIS HOMMES EN BLANC (Three men in white) (1943)
ET LA VIE CONTINUE (The human comedy) (1943)
JE TE RETROUVERAI (Somewhere i'll find you) (1942)
DR. GILLESPIE'S NEW ASSISTANT (Dr. Gillespie's new assistant) (1942)
MURDER IN THE BIG HOUSE (Murder in the big house) (1941)
TROP DE MARIS (Too many girls) (1940)