© Texte : Ciné
Date de naissance 26/11/1948
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MISE A PRIX (Smokin' aces) (2006)
THANK YOU FOR SMOKING (Thank you for smoking) (2005)
DELIVRE-NOUS DU MAL (Devil's prey) (2001)
DROIT AU COEUR (Return to me) (2000)
MEMENTO (Memento) (2000)
MENTEUR MENTEUR (Liar liar) (1997)
L'EDUCATRICE ET LE TYRAN (The beautician and the beast) (1997)
AN ALAN SMITHEE FILM (An Alan Smithee film) (1997)
A SMILE LIKE YOURS (A smile like yours) (1997)
ULTIME DECISION (Critical decision) (1996)
LA COURSE AU JOUET (Jingle all the way) (1996)
LA VIE A L'INFINI (Infinity) (1996)
UN BEAU JOUR (One fine day) (1996)
AUX BONS SOINS DU DOCTEUR KELLOGG (The road to Wellville) (1994)
THE LOW LIFE (The low life) (1994)
ENTRE CIEL ET TERRE (Heaven and earth) (1993)
PASSION FISH (Passion fish) (1992)
AT HOME WITH THE WEBBERS (At home with the Webbers) (1992)
CHIENNE DE VIE (Life stinks) (1991)
LA TELE LAVE PLUS PROPRE (Soapdish) (1991)
CLIFFORD (Clifford) (1991)
TOUBIB ACADEMY 1 (Stitches) (1985)
TERMINATOR (The terminator) (1984)
LES TRONCHES (Revenge of the nerds) (1984)
GOING BERSERK (Going berserk) (1983)