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Date de naissance 07/07/1910
Date de décès 06/03/1987
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LE DERNIER DES GEANTS (The shootist) (1976)
CHISUM (Chisum) (1970)
LE VOL DU PHENIX (Flight of the Phoenix) (1966)
LE GRAND MAC LINTOCK (Mac Lintock !) (1963)
FLASHING SPIKES (Flashing spikes) (1962)
LES COMANCHEROS (The Comancheros) (1961)
LES NUS ET LES MORTS (The naked and the dead) (1958)
CETTE SATANEE LOLA (Damn Yankees) (1958)
LA CAGE AUX HOMMES (House of numbers) (1957)
PIQUE-NIQUE EN PYJAMA (The pajama game) (1957)
LES ECHAPPES DU NEANT (Back from eternity) (1956)
FEUILLES D'AUTOMNE (Autumn leaves) (1956)
L'INVRAISEMBLABLE VERITE (Beyond a reasonable doubt) (1956)
TENSION A ROCK CITY (Tension at Table Rock) (1956)
LE GRAND COUTEAU (The big knife) (1955)
LE CRI DE LA VICTOIRE (Battle cry) (1955)
UNE ETOILE EST NEE (A star is born) (1954)
MISSION PERILLEUSE (Dangerous mission) (1954)
LES DEGOURDIS DE LA M.P. (Off limits) (1953)
FRENCH LINE (The french line) (1953)
LES INDOMPTABLES (The lusty men) (1952)
GOSSE DES BAS-FONDS (Bloodhounds of Broadway) (1952)
VOCATION SECRETE (Boots Malone) (1952)
L'INEXORABLE ENQUETE (Scandal sheet) (1952)
L'HOMME A L'AFFUT (The sniper) (1952)
LES RUELLES DU MALHEUR (Knock on any door) (1949)
NOUS AVONS GAGNE CE SOIR (The set-up) (1948)
MON HEROS (A southern yankee) (1948)
SOUS LE FOUET (Whiplash) (1948)
LE BRIGAND DE SILVERADO (Adventures in Silverado) (1948)
L'HOMME DE MES REVES (It had to be you) (1947)
L'HEURE DU CRIME (Johnny O'Clock) (1947)
LA JUSTICE DES HOMMES (The talk of the town) (1942)
THE AFFAIRS OF MARTHA (The affairs of Martha) (1942)