MEKAS Adolfas
Metteur en scène
© Texte : Ciné
Date de naissance 30/09/1925
Date de décès 31/05/2011
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Aussi chef opérateur, musicien, acteur. Frère de Jonas Mekas .....
SLEEPLESS NIGHTS STORIES (Sleepless Nights Stories) (2011)
AS I WAS MOVING AHEAD OCCASIONALLY I SAW BRIEF GLIMPSES OF BEAUTY (As I was moving ahead occasionally I saw brief glimpses of beauty) (2000)
ART FOR TEACHERS OF CHILDREN (Art for teachers of children) (1995)
LOST, LOST, LOST (Lost, lost, lost) (1976)
WALDEN (Diaries Notes and Sketches) (1969)
WINDFLOWERS THE STORY OF A DRAFT DODGER (Windflowers the story of a draft dodger) (1968)
LA TAULE (The brig) (1965)
HALLELUIAH LES COLLINES (Hallelujah the hills) (1963)
ARBRE, MON ENNEMI (Guns of the trees) (1961)
SILENT JOURNEY (Silent journey) (1953)