© Texte : Ciné
Date de naissance 02/05/1908
Date de décès 15/04/1993
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DAVY CROCKETT ROI DES TRAPPEURS (Davy Crockett king of the wild frontier) (1955)
LA ROUTE DU SUCCES (So this is love) (1953)
FEU SUR LE GANG (Come fill the cup) (1951)
LA CAPTURE (The capture) (1950)
SO THIS IS NEW YORK (So this is New York) (1948)
L'EXTRAVAGANTE MLLE DEE (You gotta stay happy) (1948)
ROMANCE A RIO (Romance of the high seas) (1948)
MA FEMME EST UN GRAND HOMME (The farmer's daughter) (1947)
DEUX SOEURS VIVAIENT EN PAIX (The bachelor and the bobby-soxer) (1947)
CHEERS FOR MISS BISHOP (Cheers for miss Bishop) (1941)
LA MAISON DES SEPT PECHES (Seven sinners) (1940)
AUTANT EN EMPORTE LE VENT (Gone with the wind) (1939)
DEUX BONS COPAINS (Zenobia) (1939)
A TRAVERS LE PASSE (Quality street) (1937)
HISTOIRE D'UN AMOUR (Back street) (1932)
LA PENTE (Dance fools dance) (1931)
MAINS COUPABLES (Guilty hands) (1931)
LA FAUTE DE MADELON CLAUDET (The sin of Madelon Claudet) (1931)
AUBE (Daybreak) (1931)
A L'OUEST RIEN DE NOUVEAU (All quiet on the western front) (1930)
THE BAT WHISPERS (The bat whispers) (1930)
IL FAUT PAYER (Paid) (1930)
LE MASQUE DE FER (The iron mask) (1929)
L'IRRESISTIBLE (West Point) (1928)
L'ETERNEL PROBLEME (The battle of the sexes) (1928)
MAITRE NICOLE ET SON FIANCE (The waning sex) (1926)