© Texte : Cinéfiches.com
Date de naissance 11/11/1900
Date de décès 26/05/1971
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Agence ou contact
FROZEN ALIVE (Frozen alive) (1964)
LANCELOT CHEVALIER DE LA REINE (Lancelot and Guinevere) (1963)
L'ENNEMI SILENCIEUX (The silent enemy) (1957)
LA MARQUE (Quatermass two) (1957)
LE BATEAU QUI MOURUT DE HONTE (The ship that died of shame) (1955)
LA BOITE MAGIQUE (The magic box) (1951)
LES TRAFIQUANTS DU DUNBAR (Pool of London) (1950)
LE CHEVALIER DE LONDRES (The elusive pimpernel) (1949)
ANNA KARENINE (Anna Karenina) (1948)
LA GRANDE REVOLTE (Bonnie prince Charlie) (1948)
UNE QUESTION DE VIE OU DE MORT (A matter of life and death) (1946)
P.H. CONTRE GESTAPO (The silver fleet) (1943)
UN DE NOS AVIONS N'EST PAS RENTRE (One of our aircraft is missing) (1942)
ESPIONNE A BORD (Contraband) (1940)
ARMES SECRETES (Q planes) (1939)
AU REVOIR MONSIEUR CHIPS (Goodbye Mr. Chips) (1939)
LE LION A DES AILES (The lion has wings) (1939)
JEUNE ET INNOCENT (Young and innocent) (1937)
THE SILENCE OF DEAN MAITLAND (The silence of Dean Maitland) (1934)
BORN LUCKY (Born lucky) (1933)
RYNOX (Rynox) (1932)
THE SKIN GAME (The skin game) (1931)
TWO CROWDED HOURS (Two crowded hours) (1931)
ELSTREE CALLING (Elstree calling) (1930)
LES DEUX MONDES (Two worlds) (1930)
CHANTAGE (Blackmail) (1929)
JUNON ET LE PAON (Juno and the paycock) (1929)
ATLANTIS (Atlantic) (1929)