MARCH Fredric
© Texte : Ciné
Date de naissance 31/08/1897
Date de décès 14/04/1975
Vrai nom BICKEL Fredric
- Fiche de Monsieur Cinéma
- "The films of Fredric March" de Lawrence Quirk
Agence ou contact
Décédé le 14.04.1975 d'un cancer .....


THE ICEMAN COMETH (The iceman cometh) (1973)
TICK, TICK TICK ET LA VIOLENCE EXPLOSA (Tick... tick... tick) (1970)
HOMBRE (Hombre) (1967)
SEPT JOURS EN MAI (Seven days in may) (1964)
LES SEQUESTRES D'ALTONA (I sequestrati di Altona) (1963)
LES BLOUSES BLANCHES (The young doctors) (1961)
PROCES DE SINGE (Inherit the wind) (1960)
AU MILIEU DE LA NUIT (Middle of the night) (1959)
ALBERT SCHWEITZER (Albert Schweitzer) (1957)
L'HOMME AU COMPLET GRIS (The man in the gray flannel suit) (1956)
ALEXANDRE LE GRAND (Alexander the great) (1955)
LA MAISON DES OTAGES (The desperate hours) (1955)
LES PONTS DE TOKO-RI (The bridges at Toko-Ri) (1954)
LA TOUR DES AMBITIEUX (Executive suite) (1954)
CIRQUE EN REVOLTE (Man on a tightrope) (1953)
LA MORT D'UN COMMIS-VOYAGEUR (Death of a salesman) (1951)
LE JOUR BENI (It's a big country) (1951)
THE TITAN : STORY OF MICHELANGELO (The Titan: Story of Michelangelo) (1950)
CHRISTOPHE COLOMB (Christopher Colombus) (1949)
LE DROIT DE TUER (Live today for tomorrow) (1948)
LA CITADELLE DU MAL (Another part of the forest) (1948)
LES PLUS BELLES ANNEES DE NOTRE VIE (The best years of our lives) (1946)
LES HOMMES DE DEMAIN (Tomorrow the world !) (1944)
LES AVENTURES DE MARK TWAIN (The adventures of Mark Twain) (1944)
MA FEMME EST UNE SORCIERE (I married a witch) (1942)
J'EPOUSE MA FEMME (Bedtime story) (1941)
AU SEUIL DU PARADIS (One foot in heaven) (1941)
AINSI FINIT NOTRE NUIT (So ends our night) (1941)
UNE VICTOIRE (Victory) (1940)
SUZANNE ET SES IDEES (Susan and God) (1940)
LIGHTS OUT IN EUROPE (Lights out in Europe) (1940)
LES 400 MILLIONS (The four hundred million) (1939)
LA PAUVRE MILLIONNAIRE (There goes my heart) (1938)
LES FLIBUSTIERS (The buccaneer) (1938)
LA JOYEUSE SUICIDEE (Nothing sacred) (1937)
UNE ETOILE EST NEE (A star is born) (1937)
LES CHEMINS DE LA GLOIRE (The road to glory) (1936)
MARCHANDS D'ESCLAVES (Anthony Adverse) (1936)
MARY STUART (Mary of Scotland) (1936)
ANNA KARENINE (Anna Karenina) (1935)
L'ANGE DES TENEBRES (The dark angel) (1935)
LES MISERABLES (Les miserables) (1935)
ALL OF ME (All of me) (1934)
MISS BARRETT (The Barretts of Wimpole Street) (1934)
BENVENUTO CELLINI (The affairs of Cellini) (1934)
GOOD DAME (Good Dame) (1934)
TROIS JOURS CHEZ LES VIVANTS (Death takes a holiday) (1934)
TERRE DE RESURRECTION (We live again) (1934)
SERENADE A TROIS (Design for living) (1933)
PRINCESSE NADIA (Tonight is ours) (1933)
L'AIGLE ET LE VAUTOUR (The eagle and the hawk) (1933)
CHAGRIN D'AMOUR (Smilin'through) (1932)
STRANGERS IN LOVE (Strangers in love) (1932)
MERRILY WE GO TO HELL (Merrily we go to hell) (1932)
FAITES DE MOI UNE ETOILE (Make me a star) (1932)
LE SIGNE DE LA CROIX (The sign of the cross) (1932)
DOCTEUR JEKYLL ET MISTER HYDE (Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde) (1931)
THE ROYAL FAMILY OF BROADWAY (The royal family of Broadway) (1931)
L'ANGE DE LA NUIT (The night angel) (1931)
MON PECHE (My sin) (1931)
HONOR AMONG LOVERS (Honor among lovers) (1931)
SARAH ET SON FILS (Sarah and son) (1930)
UNE BELLE BRUTE (Ladies love brutes) (1930)
TRUE TO THE NAVY (True to the Navy) (1930)
LE REQUISITOIRE (Manslaughter) (1930)
LAUGHTER (Laughter) (1930)
PARAMOUNT EN PARADE (Paramount on parade) (1930)
LES ENDIABLEES (The wild party) (1929)
PARIS BOUND (Paris bound) (1929)
LE STUDIO TRAGIQUE (The studio murder mystery) (1929)
THE MARRIAGE PLAYGROUND (The marriage playground) (1929)
JEALOUSY (Jealousy) (1929)
FOOTLIGHTS AND FOOLS (Footlights and folls) (1929)
L'ASPIRANT DETECTIVE (The dummy) (1929)