© Photo : Fox
© Texte : Ciné
Date de naissance 19/11/1964
Date de décès 19/07/1945
Vrai nom /
Agence ou contact
LA GLORIEUSE PARADE (Yankee doodle dandy) (1942)
PILOTES DE CHASSE (Thunder birds) (1942)
LE NIGAUD MAGNIFIQUE (The magnificent dope) (1942)
L'INVITE DE MADAME (The man who came to dinner) (1941)
FILLES DES ILES (Song of the islands) (1941)
WEEK-END A LA HAVANE (Week-end in Havana) (1941)
LE RETOUR DE FRANK JAMES (The return of Frank James) (1940)
REMEMBER ? (Remember ?) (1939)
LES AVENTURES DE MARCO POLO (The adventures of Marco Polo) (1938)
AMANTS (Sweethearts) (1938)
LA REVANCHE DE TARZAN (Tarzan's revenge) (1938)
L'AMOUR A WAIKIKI (Waikiki wedding) (1937)
L'AVENTURE DE MINUIT (It's love I'm after) (1937)
SA FEMME ET SA SECRETAIRE (Wife versus secretary) (1936)
UNE PRINCESSE A BORD (The princess comes across) (1936)
SOUPE AU LAIT (The milky way) (1936)
SPENDTHRIFT (Spendthrift) (1936)
LES CROISADES (The crusades) (1935)
LA VEUVE JOYEUSE (The merry widow) (1934)
LA DEMOISELLE DU TELEPHONE (Ladies should listen) (1934)
PATTE DE CHAT (The cat's paw) (1934)
TILLIE ET GUS (Tillie and Gus) (1933)
TRIOMPHE DE LA JEUNESSE (This day and age) (1933)
MONSIEUR BEBE (A bedtime story) (1933)
STRANGERS IN LOVE (Strangers in love) (1932)
UNE HEURE PRES DE TOI (One hour with you) (1932)
FOLIES OLYMPIQUES (Million dollar legs) (1932)
UN MAUVAIS GARCON (No man of her own) (1932)
PAS UN SEUL HOMME (No one man) (1932)
LE LIEUTENANT SOURIANT (The smiling lieutenant) (1931)
GIRLS ABOUT TOWN (Girls about town) (1931)
LA GRANDE MARE (The big pond) (1930)