© Texte : Ciné
Date de naissance 01/03/1882
Date de décès 26/09/1964
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TROIS BEBES SUR LES BRAS (Rock-a-bye baby) (1958)
UNE FEMME DE TETE (Desk set) (1957)
LA ROULOTTE DU PLAISIR (The long long trailer) (1954)
UNE FILLE DE LA PROVINCE (The country girl) (1954)
VICKY (Scandal at Scourie) (1953)
L'IVRESSE ET L'AMOUR (Something to live for) (1952)
L'INEXORABLE ENQUETE (Scandal sheet) (1952)
UNE FOIS N'ENGAGE A RIEN (Just this once) (1951)
UNE VEINE DE... (Double dynamite) (1951)
DU SANG SUR LE TAPIS VERT (Backfire) (1950)
HARVEY (Harvey) (1950)
MAMAN EST A LA PAGE (Let's dance) (1950)
MONSIEUR MUSIC (Mr Music) (1950)
PROPRE A RIEN (Fancy pants) (1950)
LA RUE DE TRAVERSE (Paid in full) (1950)
SHOW BOAT (Show boat) (1950)
MOTHER DIDN'T TELL ME (Mother didn't tell me) (1950)
LA CORDE DE SABLE (Rope of sand) (1949)
LASSIE PERD ET GAGNE (The sun comes up) (1949)
FAR WEST 89 (Return of the bad men) (1948)
CE BON VIEUX SAM (Good Sam) (1948)
JOHNNY BELINDA (Johnny Belinda) (1948)
L'ILE ENCHANTEE (High barbaree) (1947)
L'OEUF ET MOI (The egg and I) (1947)
A CHACUN SON DESTIN (To each his own) (1946)
LA DOUBLE ENIGME (The dark mirror) (1946)
MARIAGE MODERNE (From this day forward) (1946)
CROSS MY HEART (Cross my heart) (1946)
EADIE WAS A LADY (Eadie was a lady) (1945)
ONCE UPON A TIME (Once upon a time) (1944)
LA VEUVE JOYEUSE (The merry widow) (1925)