© Texte : Ciné
Date de naissance 22/04/1937
Date de décès 25/08/2000
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Decede le 25.08.2000 d'une crise cardiaque .....
CROSSING GUARD (The crossing guard) (1995)
THE INDIAN RUNNER (The indian runner) (1991)
BLUE SKY (Blue sky) (1991)
HOT SPOT (The hot spot) (1990)
LES DEUX SIRENES (Mermaids) (1990)
BLUE HEAT (The last of the finest) (1990)
UN FLIC A CHICAGO (Next of kin) (1989)
LA SEPTIEME PROPHETIE (The seventh sign) (1988)
REVENGE (Revenge) (1988)
STAND BY ME (Stand by me) (1986)
STREETS OF GOLD (Streets of gold) (1986)
9 SEMAINES ET DEMI (9 1/2 weeks) (1985)
LE DIAMANT DU NIL (The jewel of the Nile) (1985)
STARMAN (Starman) (1984)
SOUVENIRS DE CHICAGO (Windy city) (1984)
LE FIL DU RASOIR (The razor's edge) (1984)
AVIS DE RECHERCHES (Without a trace) (1983)
A BOUT DE SOUFFLE MADE IN USA (Breathless) (1982)
RUE DE LA SARDINE (Cannery row) (1982)
OFFICIER ET GENTLEMAN (An officer and a gentleman) (1982)
PERSONAL BEST (Personal best) (1982)
LA BLESSURE (Cutter's way) (1980)
LA CHASSE (Cruising) (1979)
LES PREMIERS BEATNIKS (Heart beat) (1979)
WHEN YOU COMIN' BACK RED RYDER (When you comin' back red ryder) (1979)
HARDCORE (Hardcore) (1978)
BLUE COLLAR (Blue collar) (1978)
HEROS (Heroes) (1977)
VOL AU-DESSUS D'UN NID DE COUCOU (One flew over the cuckoo's nest) (1975)
L'EXORCISTE (The exorcist) (1973)
GREASER'S PALACE (Greaser's palace) (1972)
PERFORMANCE (Performance) (1970)
VILLAGE OF THE GIANTS (Village of the giants) (1965)
THE T.A.M.I. SHOW (The t.a.m.i. show) (1964)