OTTO Miranda
© Texte : Ciné
Date de naissance 16/12/1967
Date de décès /
Vrai nom /
Agence ou contact
I, FRANKENSTEIN (I, Frankenstein) (2013)
THE HOMESMAN (The homesman) (2013)
REACHING FOR THE MOON (Reaching for the moon) (2013)
LA GUERRE DES MONDES (War of the worlds) (2005)
LE SEIGNEUR DES ANNEAUX (3) (Lord of the rings) (2003)
LE SEIGNEUR DES ANNEAUX (2) (The lord of the rings) (2002)
HYPNOTIC (Doctor Sleep) (2002)
LE SEIGNEUR DES ANNEAUX (1) (The lord of the rings) (2001)
HUMAN NATURE (Human nature) (2001)
APPARENCES (What lies beneath) (2000)
LA LIGNE ROUGE (The thin red line) (1998)
DEAD LETTER OFFICE (Dead letter office) (1998)
LE PUITS (The well) (1997)
LOVE SERENADE (Love serenade) (1996)
SEX IS A FOUR LETTER WORD (Sex is a four letter word) (1994)
THE LAST DAYS OF CHEZ NOUS (The last days of chez nous) (1991)
DAYDREAM BELIEVER (Daydream believer) (1991)
THE NOSTRADAMUS KID (The nostradamus kid) (1991)
EMMA'S WAR (Emma's war) (1988)
LE 13E ETAGE (The 13th floor) (1988)