© Texte : Ciné
Date de naissance 20/06/1911
Date de décès 06/07/1980
Vrai nom FITZPATRICK Margaret
- Films in Review (mai 1981)
Agence ou contact
Décédée le 06.07.1980 d'une leucémie .....
THE INSIDE STORY (The inside story) (1948)
LE RETOUR DE BUFFALO BILL (Buffalo Bill rides again) (1947)
LE SECRET DE LA MADONE (The madonna's secret) (1946)
FEMMES ENCHAINEES (Women in bondage) (1943)
SIX DESTINS (Tales of Manhattan) (1942)
QUIET PLEASE MURDER (Quiet please murder) (1942)
DANSE AUTOUR DE LA VIE (We were dancing) (1941)
FOLIE DOUCE (Love crazy) (1941)
MON EPOUSE FAVORITE (My favorite wife) (1940)
LE DOCTEUR SE MARIE (The doctor takes a wife) (1940)
DANGEREUX A CONNAITRE (Dangerous to know) (1938)
L'EVADE D'ALCATRAZ (King of Alcatraz) (1938)
FEMMES DELAISSEES (Wives under suspicion) (1938)
PENSION D'ARTISTES (Stage door) (1937)
ARTISTES ET MODELES (Artists and models) (1937)
MON HOMME GODFREY (My man Godfrey) (1936)
LA DERNIERE RUMBA (Rumba) (1935)
LA FEMME DE SA VIE (No more ladies) (1935)
DOUBTING THOMAS (Doubting Thomas) (1935)
TROIS JOURS CHEZ LES VIVANTS (Death takes a holiday) (1934)
GAMBLING SHIP (Gambling ship) (1933)
LE SERPENT MAMBA (Murders at the zoo) (1933)
SI J'AVAIS UN MILLION (If I had a million) (1932)