© Photo : Touchstone Pictures
© Texte : Ciné
Date de naissance 07/02/1946
Date de décès 02/01/2011
Vrai nom /
- Fiche de Monsieur Cinéma
Agence ou contact
Comédien britannique décédé le 2 janvier 2011 d'un cancer .....
INCEPTION (Inception) (2010)
LE CHOC DES TITANS (Clash of the Titans) (2010)
LA MALEDICTION 666 (The omen) (2006)
THE CONSTANT GARDENER (The constant gardener) (2005)
DARK WATER (Dark water) (2005)
COEURS INCONNUS (Between strangers) (2002)
THE DIVINE RYANS (The divine ryans) (1999)
LE BAISER DU SERPENT (The serpent's kiss) (1997)
LES VIRTUOSES (Brassed off) (1997)
LE MONDE PERDU : JURASSIC PARK (The lost world : Jurassic Park) (1997)
AMISTAD (Amistad) (1997)
LES GEANTS (Among giants) (1997)
BRUTE (Bandyta) (1997)
COEUR DE DRAGON (Dragonheart) (1996)
ROMEO ET JULIETTE (Romeo and Juliet) (1996)
CRIMETIME (Crimetime) (1996)
JIMMY (When saturday comes) (1996)
JAMES ET LA PECHE GEANTE (James and the giant peach) (1995)
USUAL SUSPECTS (The usual suspects) (1994)
SUITE 16 () (1994)
LA RECLUSE (Anchoress) (1993)
AU NOM DU PERE (In the name of the father) (1993)
ALIEN 3 (Alien III) (1992)
LE DERNIER DES MOHICANS (The last of the Mohicans) (1992)
WATERLAND (Waterland) (1992)
THE GRASS ARENA (The grass arena) (1991)
KILLER INSTINCT (Split second) (1991)
HAMLET (Hamlet) (1990)
THEY NEVER SLEPT (They never slept) (1990)
DISTANT VOICES (Distant voices, still lives) (1988)
THE DRESSMAKER (The dressmaker) (1988)
LE COMPLOT (To kill a priest) (1987)
PORC ROYAL (A private function) (1984)
LES DUELLISTES (The duellists) (1977)