LEWIS George J.
© Texte : Cinéfiches.com
Date de naissance 10/12/1903
Date de décès 08/12/1995
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UN DIRECT AU COEUR (Kid Galahad) (1962)
LES COMANCHEROS (The Comancheros) (1961)
TONNERRE SUR TIMBERLAND (Guns of the Timberland) (1960)
LES LOUPS DANS LA VALLEE (The big land) (1957)
LES FRERES RICO (The brothers Rico) (1957)
UN SEUL AMOUR (Jeanne Eagels) (1957)
VIOLENCE DANS LA VALLEE (The tall stranger) (1957)
UN CRI DANS LA NUIT (A cry in the night) (1956)
COLERE NOIRE (Hell on Frisco bay) (1955)
LE FILS PRODIGUE (The prodigal) (1955)
L'AIGLE SOLITAIRE (Drum beat) (1954)
LE FANTOME DE LA RUE MORGUE (Phantom of the Rue Morgue) (1954)
LA BRIGADE HEROIQUE (Saskatchewan) (1954)
LES REBELLES (Border river) (1953)
TONNERRE SUR LE TEMPLE (Thunder in the east) (1953)
LA LEGION DU SAHARA (The desert legion) (1953)
NUIT SAUVAGE (Devil's canyon) (1953)
LE PRINCE DE BAGDAD (The veils of Bagdad) (1953)
LE PRISONNIER DE ZENDA (The prisoner of Zenda) (1952)
LES ENSORCELES (The bad and the beautiful) (1952)
LA MAITRESSE DE FER (The iron mistress) (1952)
MONTAGNE ROUGE (Red mountain) (1952)
VIVA ZAPATA (Viva Zapata) (1951)
ECHEC AU HOLD-UP (Appointment with danger) (1951)
DEUX NIGAUDS ET L'HOMME INVISIBLE (Abbott and Costello meet the invisible man) (1951)
LA PRINCESSE DE SAMARCANDE (The golden horde) (1951)
MARQUE AU FER (Branded) (1951)
CAS DE CONSCIENCE (Crisis) (1950)
L'IMPASSE MAUDITE (One way street) (1950)
LE DENONCIATEUR (Captain Carey USA) (1950)
LA TRIBU PERDUE (The lost tribe) (1949)
LE FANTOME DE ZORRO (Ghost of Zorro) (1949)
JENNY FEMME MARQUEE (Shockproof) (1948)
UN CAPRICE DE VENUS (One touch of Venus) (1948)
LULU BELLE (Lulu Belle) (1948)
CHARLIE CHAN A MEXICO (The feathered serpent) (1948)
DOCKS OF NEW ORLEANS (Docks of New Orleans) (1948)
LE SANG DE LA TERRE (Tap roots) (1948)
LA BELLE ESCLAVE (Slave girl) (1947)
DEUX NIGAUDS ET LEUR VEUVE (The wistful widow of wagon gap) (1947)
LES PIRATES DE MONTEREY (Pirates of Monterey) (1947)
GILDA (Gilda) (1946)
TARZAN ET LA FEMME LEOPARD (Tarzan and the leopard woman) (1946)
RIO, RYTHME D'AMOUR (The thrill of Brazil) (1946)
PAR SA FAUTE (Because of him) (1946)
DEANNA MENE L'ENQUETE (Lady on a train) (1945)
CARAVANE D'AMOUR (Can't help singing) (1944)
LES PILLARDS DE LA VILLE FANTOME (Raiders of ghost city) (1944)
ZORRO LE VENGEUR MASQUE (Zorro's black whip) (1944)
CHARLIE CHAN IN THE SECRET SERVICE (Charlie chan in the secret service) (1944)
LE FAUCON AU MEXIQUE (The Falcon in Mexico) (1944)
BATMAN (Batman) (1943)
G-MEN CONTRE DRAGON NOIR (G-men versus the black dragon) (1943)
LE MYSTERE DE TARZAN (Tarzan's desert mystery) (1943)
OBSESSIONS (Flesh and fantasy) (1943)
THEY GOT ME COVERED (They got me covered) (1943)
CASABLANCA (Casablanca) (1942)
LA RELEVE DU FAUCON (The Falcon's brother) (1942)
EVE A COMMENCE (It started with Eve) (1941)
NUITS DE LA PAMPA (Under the pampas moon) (1935)
LA VEUVE JOYEUSE (The merry widow) (1934)
L'OMBRE QUI TUE (The whispering shadow) (1933)
RALPH LE VENGEUR (The wolf dog) (1933)
LA DANSEUSE ESPAGNOLE (The spanish dancer) (1923)