© Texte : Cinéfiches.com
Date de naissance 15/04/1903
Date de décès 05/05/1983
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LA FOLLE ESCAPADE (No deposit no return) (1976)
LOST IN THE STARS (Lost in the stars) (1974)
LA PUCE A L'OREILLE (A flea in the ear) (1968)
EVASION SUR COMMANDE (The secret war of Harry Frigg) (1967)
CROISIERE SURPRISE (Double trouble) (1967)
LES PLUS DINGUES DES AGENTS SECRETS (The last of the secret agents ?) (1966)
CHERE BRIGITTE (Dear Brigitte) (1965)
PIEGE A MINUIT (Midnight lace) (1960)
CE MONDE A PART (The young Philadelphians) (1959)
MINCE DE PLANETE (Visit to a small planet) (1959)
TEMOIN A CHARGE (Witness for the prosecution) (1958)
LA BLONDE EXPLOSIVE (Will success spoil rock hunter ?) (1957)
UNE CADILLAC EN OR MASSIF (The solid gold cadillac) (1956)
UNE ILE AU SOLEIL (Island in the sun) (1956)
AU SIXIEME JOUR (D-day the sixth of june) (1956)
LA MAIN AU COLLET (To catch a thief) (1955)
LE CRIME ETAIT PRESQUE PARFAIT (Dial M for murder) (1954)
SABRINA (Sabrina) (1954)
LE PRINCE ETUDIANT (The student prince) (1954)
TONNERRE SUR LE TEMPLE (Thunder in the east) (1953)
FEMME EN PERIL (Kind lady) (1951)
TROIS PETITS MOTS (Three little words) (1950)
MON PASSE DEFENDU (My forbidden past) (1950)
VENGEANCE DE FEMME (A woman's vengeance) (1948)
LE PROCES PARADINE (The Paradine case) (1947)
L'EXTRAVAGANT MONSIEUR DEEDS (Mr. Deeds goes to town) (1936)