un film (VF ou VO)
un acteur
un réalisateur
un caméraman
un compositeur
STANTON Harry Dean
Texte :
Date de naissance
Date de décès
Vrai nom
- "The late late show" de Frank Arnold et Ulrich von Berg
- Fiche de Monsieur Cinéma
- Libération du 18 septembre 2017
Agence ou contact
A tourné, au début de sa carrière, sous le nom de Dean Stanton .....
LUCKY (Lucky) (2017)
LE DERNIER REMPART (The last stand) (2012)
7 PSYCHOPATHES (Seven psychopaths) (2012)
AVENGERS (The avengers) (2011)
THIS MUST BE THE PLACE (This must be the place) (2010)
INLAND EMPIRE (Inland Empire) (2006)
GINOSTRA () (2002)
THE PLEDGE (The pledge) (2001)
LES LARMES D'UN HOMME (The man who cried) (2000)
UNE HISTOIRE VRAIE (The straight story) (1999)
LA LIGNE VERTE (The green mile) (1999)
LAS VEGAS PARANO (Fear and loathing in Las Vegas) (1998)
LES PUISSANTS (The mighty) (1998)
PREJUDICE (A civil action) (1998)
SHE'S SO LOVELY (She's so lovely) (1997)
MENACE TOXIQUE (Fire down below) (1997)
TOBACCO BLUES (Tobacco blues) (1997)
EXCES DE CONFIANCE (Never talk to strangers) (1996)
TOUCHE PAS A MON PERISCOPE (Down periscope) (1996)
PLAYBACK (Playback) (1995)
SOUS LE SIGNE DU TIGRE (Blue tiger) (1994)
MAN TROUBLE (Man trouble) (1992)
TWIN PEAKS (Twin peaks) (1991)
SAILOR ET LULA (Wild at heart) (1990)
LA QUATRIEME GUERRE (The fourth war) (1990)
TWISTER (Twister) (1989)
LA DERNIERE TENTATION DU CHRIST (The last temptation of Christ) (1988)
MISTER NORTH (Mr North) (1988)
DREAM A LITTLE DREAM (Dream a little dream) (1988)
UN ANGLAIS A NEW YORK (Stars and bars) (1988)
SLAMDANCE (Slam dance) (1987)
ROSE BONBON (Pretty in pink) (1985)
UFORIA (Uforia) (1985)
LES BISOUNOURS (The care bears movie) (1985)
FOOL FOR LOVE (Fool for love) (1985)
ONE MAGIC CHRISTMAS (One magic christmas) (1985)
L'AUBE ROUGE (Red dawn) (1984)
PARIS TEXAS (Paris, Texas) (1984)
REPO MAN (Repo man) (1984)
THE BEAR (The bear) (1984)
CHRISTINE (Christine) (1983)
COUP DE COEUR (One from the heart) (1982)
DOCTEURS IN LOVE (Young doctors in love) (1982)
NEW YORK 1997 (Escape from New York) (1980)
LA BIDASSE (Private benjamin) (1980)
THE BLACK MARBLE (The black marble) (1980)
THE ROSE (The rose) (1979)
ALIEN (Alien) (1979)
LE MALIN (Wise blood) (1979)
LE RECIDIVISTE (Straight time) (1978)
RENALDO ET CLARA (Renaldo and Clara) (1977)
MISSOURI BREAKS (The Missouri breaks) (1976)
ADIEU MA JOLIE (Farewell my lovely) (1975)
RANCHO DE LUXE (Rancho deluxe) (1975)
RAFFERTY ET LES AUTO-STOPPEUSES (Rafferty and the gold dust twins) (1975)
92 IN THE SHADE (92 in the shade) (1975)
LE PARRAIN 2 (The godfather -part 2-) (1974)
ZANDY'S BRIDE (Zandy's bride) (1974)
COCKFIGHTER (Cockfighter) (1974)
WIN PLACE OR STEAL (Win place or steal) (1974)
WHERE THE LILLIES BLOOM (Where the lillies bloom) (1974)
DILLINGER (Dillinger) (1973)
PAT GARRETT ET BILLY LE KID (Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid) (1973)
L'APACHE (Count your bullets) (1972)
CISCO PIKE (Cisco pike) (1971)
DE L'OR POUR LES BRAVES (Kelly's heroes) (1970)
MACADAM A DEUX VOIES (Two-lane blacktop) (1970)
LANTON MILLS (Lanton Mills) (1969)
DES FILLES A MOTO (The mini-skirt mob) (1968)
LE JOUR DES APACHES (Day of the evil gun) (1967)
LUKE LA MAIN FROIDE (Cool hand Luke) (1967)
LA POURSUITE DES TUNIQUES BLEUES (A time for killing) (1967)
LES MOTOS DE LA VIOLENCE (Rebel rousers) (1967)
L'OURAGAN DE LA VENGEANCE (Ride in the whirlwind) (1966)
THE HOSTAGE (The hostage) (1966)
LES PIEDS DANS LE PLAT (The man from Diner's Club) (1963)
LA CONQUETE DE L'OUEST (How the West was won) (1962)
L'ILE DE LA VIOLENCE (Hero's island) (1962)
LES AVENTURIERS DU FLEUVE (The adventures of Huckleberry Finn) (1960)
A DOG'S BEST FRIEND (A dog's best friend) (1960)
LA GLOIRE ET LA PEUR (Pork Chop Hill) (1959)
VIOLENCE AU KANSAS (The jayhawkers) (1959)
LE FIER REBELLE (The proud rebel) (1958)
REVOLTE A FORT LARAMIE (Revolt at Fort Laramie) (1957)
TOMAHAWK TRAIL (Tomahawk trail) (1957)
LE FAUX COUPABLE (The wrong man) (1956)