SWEET Blanche
© Texte : Cinéfiches.com
Date de naissance 18/06/1896
Date de décès 06/09/1986
Vrai nom /
WAYNE Daphne
- Films in Review (novembre 1965)
- Films in Review (juin/juillet 1981)
Agence ou contact
Décédée le 06.09.1986 d'une hémorragie cérébrale .....
MILLIONNAIRE DE CINQ SOUS (The five pennies) (1959)
SHOW GIRL IN HOLLYWOOD (Show girl in Hollywood) (1930)
THE CAPTIVE (The captive) (1915)
THE WARRENS OF VIRGINIA (The warrens of Virginia) (1915)
LA CONSCIENCE VENGERESSE (The avenging conscience) (1914)
JUDITH DE BETHULIE (Judith of Bethulia) (1914)
THE BATTLE AT ELDERBUSH GULCH (The battle at Elderbush Gulch) (1913)
LA BELLE DAME (The painted lady) (1912)
FOR HIS SON (For his son) (1912)
LA BATAILLE (The battle) (1911)
LE COEUR DE L'AVARE (The miser's heart) (1911)
LA DERNIERE GOUTTE D'EAU (The last drop of water) (1911)
LE SPECULATEUR EN GRAINS (A corner in wheat) (1909)