© Photo : Paramount
© Texte : Cinéfiches.com
Date de naissance 03/08/1907
Date de décès 10/03/1995
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Décédée le 10.09.1995 d'une crise cardiaque .....
LA VIE EN MAUVE (All night long) (1980)
MIDNIGHT MADNESS (Midnight madness) (1980)
DROLE D'EMBROUILLE (Foul play) (1978)
L'EMPIRE DES FOURMIS GEANTES (Empire of the ants) (1976)
MANDINGO (Mandingo) (1974)
CAMPUS (Getting straight) (1970)
ACCROCHE-TOI PETER (For pete's sake !) (1966)
LE KID DE CINCINATTI (The Cincinnati Kid) (1965)
JOY IN THE MORNING (Joy in the morning) (1965)
LA PLUS GRANDE HISTOIRE JAMAIS CONTEE (The greatest story ever told) (1964)
TONNERRE APACHE (A thunder of drums) (1961)
NE MANGEZ PAS LES MARGUERITES (Please don't eat the daisies) (1960)
LIBRE COMME LE VENT (Saddle the wind) (1958)
VAGUE DE CHALEUR (Hot spell) (1958)
AMOUR FRENETIQUE (Loving you) (1957)
LES DIX COMMANDEMENTS (The ten commandments) (1956)
CALOMNIE (Slander) (1956)
LE PASSAGE DE SANTA FE (Santa fe passage) (1955)
UN LION DANS LA RUE (A lion is in the streets) (1953)
VOLEUSE D'AMOUR (The company she keeps) (1950)
LES BAS-FONDS DE FRISCO (Thieves' highway) (1949)
LIVING IN A BIG WAY (Living in a big way) (1947)
ILS NE VOUDRONT PAS ME CROIRE (They won't believe me) (1947)
ONCLE HARRY (The strange affair of uncle Harry) (1945)
HOLLYWOOD MELODIE (Song of the open road) (1944)
NOBODY'S DARLING (Nobody's darling) (1943)
VOYAGE AU PAYS DE LA PEUR (Journey into fear) (1942)
THE MOON AND SIX PENCE (The moon and six pence) (1942)
CHEERS FOR MISS BISHOP (Cheers for miss Bishop) (1941)
WE WHO ARE YOUNG (We who are young) (1940)
LA VILLE GRONDE (They won't forget) (1937)