Chef opérateur
© Texte : Ciné
Date de naissance 29/05/1904
Date de décès 26/09/1948
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Decede le 28.09.1948 d'une crise cardiaque .....
VOUS QUI AVEZ VINGT ANS (Enchantment) (1948)
SI BEMOL ET FA DIESE (A song is born) (1948)
HONNI SOIT QUI MAL Y PENSE (The bishop's wife) (1947)
LES PLUS BELLES ANNEES DE NOTRE VIE (The best years of our lives) (1946)
LE LAITIER DE BROOKLYN (The kid from Brooklyn) (1946)
MELODIE DU SUD (Song of the south) (1946)
LE BANNI (The outlaw) (1943)
SHOW-BUSINESS AT WAR (Show business at war) (1943)
CITIZEN KANE (Citizen Kane) (1941)
BOULE DE FEU (Ball of fire) (1941)
LA VIPERE (The little foxes) (1941)
LE CAVALIER DU DESERT (The westerner) (1940)
LES RAISINS DE LA COLERE (The grapes of wrath) (1940)
LES HOMMES DE LA MER (The long voyage home) (1940)
LA RANCON DU BONHEUR (Intermezzo) (1939)
LES HAUTS DE HURLEVENT (Wuthering heights) (1939)
HOLLYWOOD EN FOLIE (The Goldwyn Follies) (1938)
MADAME ET SON COW-BOY (The cowboy and the lady) (1938)
LE PROSCRIT (Kidnapped) (1938)
RUE SANS ISSUE (Dead end) (1937)
L'ENNEMIE BIEN-AIMEE (Beloved enemy) (1937)
MADAME POURSUIT MONSIEUR (Woman chases man) (1937)
LE DESTIN SE JOUE LA NUIT (History is made at night) (1937)
LE VANDALE (Come and get it) (1936)
ILS ETAIENT TROIS (These three) (1936)
LES CHEMINS DE LA GLOIRE (The road to glory) (1936)
L'ANGE DES TENEBRES (The dark angel) (1935)
LES MAINS D'ORLAC (Mad love) (1935)
LES MISERABLES (Les miserables) (1935)
SPLENDEUR (Splendor) (1935)
SA NUIT DE NOCES (The wedding night) (1935)
LES HOMMES TRAQUES (Public hero number 1) (1935)
SOUVENT FEMME VARIE (Forsaking all others) (1934)
NANA (Nana) (1934)
TERRE DE RESURRECTION (We live again) (1934)
MAN WANTED (Man wanted) (1932)
INDISCRET (Indiscreet) (1931)
CETTE NUIT OU JAMAIS (Tonight or never) (1931)
L'INTRUSE (The trespasser) (1929)
CONDAMNE (Condemned) (1929)
CAPITAINE DRUMMOND (Bulldog Drummond) (1929)
LA REINE KELLY (Queen Kelly) (1928)
THE LOVE OF ZERO (The love of Zero) (1927)
LA CONQUETE DE BARBARA WORTH (The winning of Barbara Worth) (1926)
L'OISEAU DE NUIT (The bat) (1926)