un film (VF ou VO)
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un caméraman
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Décédé le 10 décembre 1982 d'une crise cardiaque .....
LE CHOUCHOU DU PROFESSEUR (Teacher's pet) (1958)
AFFAIRE ULTRA-SECRETE (Top secret affair) (1957)
LE VENGEUR (Shoot-out at medicine bend) (1957)
TETE BRULEE (The girl he left behind) (1956)
ATTAQUE A L'AUBE (The first texan) (1956)
LA PECHE AUX MARIS (Our miss brooks) (1956)
MARTY (Marty) (1955)
LE RENARD DES OCEANS (The sea chase) (1955)
L'ALLEE SANGLANTE (Blood alley) (1955)
RENDEZ-VOUS SUR L'AMAZONE (The americano) (1954)
LE RAID (The raid) (1954)
LA VENUS DES MERS CHAUDES (Underwater) (1954)
MISSION PERILLEUSE (Dangerous mission) (1954)
TRACK OF THE CAT (Track of the cat) (1954)
LA LOI DU LARGE (Alaska seas) (1954)
COMMERAGES (Affair with a stranger) (1953)
PASSIONS SOUS LES TROPIQUES (Second chance) (1953)
LES FILS DES MOUSQUETAIRES (At sword's point) (1952)
LES INDOMPTABLES (The lusty men) (1952)
OPERATION SECRET (Operation secret) (1952)
PLACE AU CINERAMA (This is Cinerama) (1952)
LE DEMON S'EVEILLE LA NUIT (Clash by night) (1951)
BAIONNETTE AU CANON (Fixed bayonets) (1951)
LES DIABLES DE GUADALCANAL (Flying leathernecks) (1951)
MARQUE AU FER (Branded) (1951)
RACKET (The racket) (1951)
JEU SET ET MATCH (Hard fast and beautiful) (1951)
L'EQUIPAGE FANTOME (Sealed cargo) (1951)
ARMORED CAR ROBBERY (Armored car robbery) (1950)
FUREUR SECRETE (The secret fury) (1950)
LA TOUR BLANCHE (The white tower) (1950)
VENDETTA (Vendetta) (1950)
JEUX CLANDESTINS (Gambling house) (1950)
MA BONNE AMIE IRMA (My friend Irma) (1949)
MONSIEUR JOE (Mighty Joe Young) (1949)
ROUGHSHOD (Roughshod) (1949)
J'AI EPOUSE UN HORS-LA-LOI (Bad men of Tombstone) (1949)
LA VIE FACILE (Easy living) (1949)
MARIAGE COMPLIQUE (Holiday affair) (1949)
CIEL ROUGE (Blood on the moon) (1948)
LA FEMME VENDUE (Rachel and the stranger) (1948)
TENDRESSE (I remember mama) (1948)
FEUX CROISES (Crossfire) (1947)
PENDEZ-MOI HAUT ET COURT (Out of the past) (1947)
L'ETERNEL TOURMENT (Cass Timberlane) (1947)
SINBAD LE MARIN (Sinbad the sailor) (1947)
LA CITE MAGIQUE (Magic town) (1947)
LE MEDAILLON (The locket) (1947)
ILS NE VOUDRONT PAS ME CROIRE (They won't believe me) (1947)
LES ENCHAINES (Notorious) (1946)
NEW YORK - LOS ANGELES (Without reservations) (1946)
LA VILLE DES SANS-LOI (Bad man's territory) (1946)
BEDLAM (Bedlam) (1946)
RETOUR AUX PHILIPPINES (Back to Bataan) (1945)
LE COTTAGE ENCHANTE (The enchanted cottage) (1945)
LE RECUPERATEUR DE CADAVRES (The body snatcher) (1945)
SOUS LE CIEL D'ORIENT (China sky) (1945)
DEUX MAINS LA NUIT (The spiral staircase) (1945)
ZOMBIES ON BROADWAY (Zombies on Broadway) (1945)
TRAHISON JAPONAISE (Betrayal from the east) (1945)
PRIS AU PIEGE (Cornered) (1945)
TWO O'CLOCK COURAGE (Two o'clock courage) (1945)
SING YOUR WAY HOME (Sing Your Way Home) (1945)
ADIEU MA JOLIE (Murder my sweet) (1944)
LA SEPTIEME CROIX (The seventh cross) (1944)
ANGOISSE (Experiment perilous) (1944)
L'AMAZONE AUX YEUX VERTS (Tall in the saddle) (1944)
LA MALEDICTION DES HOMMES-CHATS (The curse of the cat people) (1944)
LONA LA SAUVAGEONNE (Rainbow island) (1944)
ALERTE AUX MARINES (The fighting seabees) (1944)
INTRIGUE A DAMAS (Action in Arabia) (1944)
MARINE RAIDERS (Marine raiders) (1944)
LE FAUCON AU FAR WEST (The Falcon out West) (1944)
AMOUR ET SWING (Higher and higher) (1943)
L'HOMME-LEOPARD (The leopard man) (1943)
VAUDOU (I walked with a zombie) (1943)
MONSIEUR LUCKY (Mr. Lucky) (1943)
FACE AU SOLEIL LEVANT (Behind the rising sun) (1943)
LA FILLE ET SON COW-BOY (A lady takes a chance) (1943)
PERDUE SOUS LES TROPIQUES (Flight for freedom) (1943)
LE VAISSEAU FANTOME (The ghost ship) (1943)
NID D'ESPIONS (The fallen sparrow) (1943)
LA SEPTIEME VICTIME (The seventh victim) (1943)
BOMBARDIER (Bombardier) (1943)
LES ENFANTS D'HITLER (Hitler's children) (1943)
LES NAZIS ATTAQUENT (The nazis strike) (1943)
LE FAUCON EN PERIL (The Falcon in danger) (1943)
LE FAUCON PRIS AU PIEGE (The Falcon strikes back) (1943)
GANGWAY FOR TOMORROW (Gangway for tomorrow) (1943)
THE IRON MAJOR (The iron major) (1943)
VOYAGE AU PAYS DE LA PEUR (Journey into fear) (1942)
LA FELINE (Cat people) (1942)
LA POUPEE BRISEE (The big street) (1942)
LE RETOUR DU FAUCON (The falcon takes over) (1942)
MA FEMME EST UNE SORCIERE (I married a witch) (1942)
LA MARINE TRIOMPHE (The navy comes through) (1942)
THE TUTTLES OF TAHITI (The Tuttles of Tahiti) (1942)
MON ESPION FAVORI (My favorite spy) (1942)
LA RELEVE DU FAUCON (The Falcon's brother) (1942)
FORCATS CONTRE ESPIONS (Seven miles from Alcatraz) (1942)
SEPT JOURS DE PERM (Seven days' leave) (1942)
LE DIABLE S'EN MELE (The devil and miss Jones) (1941)
JEANNE DE PARIS (Joan of Paris) (1941)
PAPA SE MARIE (Father takes a wife) (1941)
SON PATRON ET SON MATELOT (A girl a guy and a gob) (1941)
SES TROIS AMOUREUX (Tom Dick and Harry) (1941)
THE SAINT IN PALM SPRINGS (The Saint in Palm Springs) (1941)
MON EPOUSE FAVORITE (My favorite wife) (1940)
ABRAHAM LINCOLN (Abe Lincoln in Illinois) (1940)
KITTY FOYLE (Kitty Foyle) (1940)
THE SAINT'S DOUBLE TROUBLE (The Saint's double trouble) (1940)
CROSS-COUNTRY ROMANCE (Cross-country romance) (1940)
L'INCONNU DU TROISIEME ETAGE (Stranger on the third floor) (1940)
THE SAINT TAKES OVER (The saint takes over) (1940)
ELLE ET LUI (Love affair) (1939)
L'AUTRE (In name only) (1939)
MADEMOISELLE ET SON BEBE (Bachelor mother) (1939)
LE SAINT CONTRE-ATTAQUE (The saint strikes back) (1939)
THE SAINT IN LONDON (The Saint in London) (1939)
MISS MANTON EST FOLLE (The mad miss Manton) (1938)
ON S'EST BIEN AMUSE (Having wonderful time) (1938)
PANIQUE A L'HOTEL (Room service) (1938)
L'IMPOSSIBLE MONSIEUR BEBE (Bringing up baby) (1938)
MARIAGE INCOGNITO (Vivacious lady) (1938)
AH ! CES VEDETTES (The affairs of Annabel) (1938)
POLICE MONTEE (The renegade ranger) (1938)
CHARIVARI (The life of the party) (1937)
PENSION D'ARTISTES (Stage door) (1937)
A TRAVERS LE PASSE (Quality street) (1937)
MEET THE MISSUS (Meet the missus) (1937)
SYLVIA SCARLETT (Sylvia Scarlett) (1936)
NIGHT WAITRESS (Night waitress) (1936)
REVOLTE A DUBLIN (The plough and the stars) (1936)
LA REBELLE (A woman rebels) (1936)
SAGAMORE LE MOHICAN (The last of the Mohicans) (1936)
LES DERNIERS JOURS DE POMPEI (The last days of Pompeii) (1935)
MISS CARROTT (Anne of green gables) (1934)
LA CUCARACHA (La cucaracha) (1934)
LE PHALENE D'ARGENT (Christopher strong) (1933)
HAUTE SOCIETE (Our betters) (1933)
ANN VICKERS (Ann Vickers) (1933)