WEIDLER Virginia
© Texte : Cinéfiches.com
Date de naissance 21/03/1927
Date de décès 01/07/1968
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Décédée le 01.07.1968 d'une crise cardiaque .....
THE YOUNGEST PROFESSION (The youngest profession) (1943)
THE AFFAIRS OF MARTHA (The affairs of Martha) (1942)
BORN TO SING (Born to sing) (1942)
DEBUTS A BROADWAY (Babes on Broadway) (1941)
LE SOUVENIR DE VOS LEVRES (This time for keeps) (1941)
INDISCRETIONS (The Philadelphia story) (1940)
L'ETRANGERE (All this and heaven too) (1940)
LA JEUNESSE DE TOM EDISON (Young Tom Edison) (1940)
FEMMES (The women) (1939)
LES PETITES PESTES (The under-pup) (1939)
L'EMPREINTE DU LOUP SOLITAIRE (The lone wolf spy hunt) (1939)
UN ENVOYE TRES SPECIAL (Too hot to handle) (1938)
AMES A LA MER (Souls at sea) (1937)
PETER IBBETSON (Peter Ibbetson) (1935)