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Date de naissance 12/03/1917
Date de décès 15/07/2011
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Comédienne britannique, épouse de John Mac Callum .....
SHINE (Shine) (1995)
COUNTRY LIFE (Country life) (1994)
NICKEL QUEEN (Nickel queen) (1971)
LA BOITE MAGIQUE (The magic box) (1951)
LES FORBANS DE LA NUIT (Night and the city) (1950)
LA ROSE ET L'OREILLER (Once upon a dream) (1949)
MIRANDA (Miranda) (1948)
IL PLEUT TOUJOURS LE DIMANCHE (It always rains on sunday) (1947)
PINK STRING AND SEALING WAX (Pink string and sealing wax) (1946)
AU COEUR DE LA NUIT (Dead of night) (1945)
P.H. CONTRE GESTAPO (The silver fleet) (1943)
UN DE NOS AVIONS N'EST PAS RENTRE (One of our aircraft is missing) (1942)
BACK ROOM BOY (Back room boy) (1942)
BUSMAN'S HONEYMOON (Busman's honeymoon) (1940)
MURDER IN SOHO (Murder in Soho) (1939)
TROUBLE BREWING (Trouble Brewing) (1939)
UNE FEMME DISPARAIT (The lady vanishes) (1938)
ETRANGES PENSIONNAIRES (Strange boarders) (1938)
LE DANGER D'AIMER (Accused) (1936)
CRIME SUR LONDRES (Crime over London) (1936)
CROWN VERSUS STEVENS (Crown vs. Stevens) (1936)
HER LAST AFFAIR (Her last affair) (1936)
THE LOVE TEST (The love test) (1935)
THE GIRL IN THE CROWD (The girl in the crowd) (1934)