BLACK Stanley
© Texte : Ciné
Date de naissance 14/06/1913
Date de décès 26/11/2002
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Decede le 26.11.2002
CITY UNDER THE SEA (The city under the sea) (1965)
WONDERFUL LIFE (Wonderful life) (1964)
DANS LES MAILLES DU FILET (The system) (1964)
L'INNOCENT A LA CRECELLE (Rattle of a simple man) (1964)
80 000 SUSPECTS (80 000 suspects) (1963)
LE MANIAQUE (Maniac) (1963)
WEST 11 (West 11) (1963)
VACANCES D'ETE (Summer holiday) (1963)
LA PATROUILLE EGAREE (The long and the short and the tall) (1961)
DOUBLE BUNK (Double bunk) (1961)
LE JOUR OU LA TERRE PRIT FEU (The day the earth caught fire) (1961)
CINQUE ORE IN CONTANTI (Cinque ore in contanti) (1961)
TRAITEMENT DE CHOC (The full treatment) (1960)
THE SIEGE OF SIDNEY STREET (The siege of Sidney Street) (1960)
UN HOMME POUR LE BAGNE (Hell is a city) (1960)
L'IMPASSE AUX VIOLENCES (The flesh and the fiends) (1959)
LA BATAILLE DES SEXES (The battle of the sexes) (1959)
TOMMY THE TOREADOR (Tommy the toreador) (1959)
JACK L'EVENTREUR (Jack the ripper) (1959)
THE TROLLENBERG TERROR (The Trollenberg terror) (1958)
NI FLEURS NI COURONNES (Too many crooks) (1958)
SCOTLAND YARD JOUE ET GAGNE (The vicious circle) (1957)
LA VERITE PRESQUE NUE (The naked truth) (1957)
THAT WOMAN OPPOSITE (That woman opposite) (1957)
C'EST FORMIDABLE D'ETRE JEUNE (Now and forever) (1956)
TIME LOCK (Time lock) (1956)
HERITAGE ET VIEUX FANTOMES (Happy ever after) (1954)
IMPULSE (Impulse) (1954)
RIRES AU PARADIS (Laughter in paradise) (1951)
ONE WILD OAT (One wild oat) (1951)