© Texte : Ciné
Date de naissance 05/06/1905
Date de décès 24/05/1996
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QUEST (Quest) (1984)
SLAPSTICK OF ANOTHER KIND (Slapstick of another kind) (1982)
T'ES FOU JERRY ! (Smorgasbord) (1982)
LA GROSSE MAGOUILLE (Used cars) (1980)
THE BLACK BIRD (The black bird) (1975)
LE LIVRE DE LA JUNGLE (The jungle book) (1967)
THREE GUNS FOR TEXAS (Three guns for Texas) (1965)
LA PLUS GRANDE HISTOIRE JAMAIS CONTEE (The greatest story ever told) (1964)
UN CHEF DE RAYON EXPLOSIF (Who's minding the store ?) (1963)
GIGI (Gigi) (1958)
LES AMOURS D'OMAR KHAYYAM (The loves of Omar Khayyam) (1956)
TONNERRE SUR LE TEMPLE (Thunder in the east) (1953)
LA VEUVE JOYEUSE (The merry widow) (1952)
TEMPETE SUR LA COLLINE (Thunder on the hill) (1951)
L'OR DE LA NOUVELLE-GUINEE (Crosswinds) (1951)
MADAME BOVARY (Madame Bovary) (1949)
LA FEMME EN BLANC (The woman in white) (1948)
LE TRAQUENARD (The web) (1947)
QUAND VIENT L'HIVER (If winter comes) (1947)
L'ILE AUX SERPENTS (Adventure island) (1947)
ANNA ET LE ROI DE SIAM (Anna and the king of Siam) (1946)
HUMORESQUE (Humoresque) (1946)
JALOUSIE (Deception) (1946)
ONE MORE TOMORROW (One more tomorrow) (1946)
LE FILS DE ROBIN DES BOIS (The bandit of Sherwood forest) (1946)
L'INTRIGANTE DE SARATOGA (Saratoga trunk) (1945)
ALADIN ET LA LAMPE MERVEILLEUSE (A thousand and one nights) (1945)
CRIME DOCTOR'S WARNING (Crime doctor's warning) (1945)
MISSION AU SOLEIL (Pursuit to Algiers) (1945)
THE VAMPIRE'S GHOST (The vampire's ghost) (1945)
JANE EYRE (Jane Eyre) (1944)
LE MASQUE DE DIMITRIOS (The mask of Dimitrios) (1944)
ONCE UPON A TIME (Once upon a time) (1944)
LA FILLE DU LOUP-GAROU (Cry of the werewolf) (1944)
L'AVEU (Summer storm) (1944)
LE FAUCON A HOLLYWOOD (The Falcon in Hollywood) (1944)
LA CROIX DE LORRAINE (The cross of Lorraine) (1943)
MISSION A MOSCOU (Mission to Moscow) (1943)
THEY GOT ME COVERED (They got me covered) (1943)
LES BOURREAUX MEURENT AUSSI (Hangmen also die) (1942)
AMES REBELLES (This above all) (1942)
MADAME MINIVER (Mrs. Miniver) (1942)
JEANNE DE PARIS (Joan of Paris) (1941)
THE SHANGHAÏ GESTURE (The Shanghaï gesture) (1941)
L'AVENTURE EST COMMENCEE (Ten days in Paris) (1939)
THE SAINT IN LONDON (The Saint in London) (1939)
LE RETOUR DU MOURON ROUGE (The return of the scarlet pimpernel) (1937)
MADEMOISELLE DOCTEUR (Under secret orders) (1936)
LA CONQUETE DE L'AIR (Conquest of the air) (1936)