© Texte : Ciné
Date de naissance 15/04/1869
Date de décès 18/10/1947
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Decede le 18.10.1947 d'une crise cardiaque
MAKE YOUR OWN BED (Make your own bed) (1944)
GIRL CRAZY (Girl crazy) (1943)
PLUS ON EST DE FOUS (The more the merrier) (1943)
DIXIE (Dixie) (1943)
FOLLE AVENTURE (Princess O'Rourke) (1943)
THEY GOT ME COVERED (They got me covered) (1943)
SOMEONE TO REMEMBER (Someone to remember) (1943)
LES BOURREAUX MEURENT AUSSI (Hangmen also die) (1942)
LES FOLLES HERITIERES (The gay sisters) (1942)
LES MARX AU GRAND MAGASIN (The big store) (1941)
DES HOMMES VIVRONT (Men of boys town) (1941)
LA FEMME INVISIBLE (The invisible woman) (1940)
LA VIE DE THOMAS EDISON (Edison the man) (1940)
EN ROUTE VERS SINGAPOUR (Road to Singapore) (1940)
THOSE WERE THE DAYS (Those were the days) (1940)
L'INCONNU DU TROISIEME ETAGE (Stranger on the third floor) (1940)
QUEEN OF THE MOB (Queen of the mob) (1940)
LES FANTASTIQUES ANNEES 20 (The roaring twenties) (1939)
LA DAME DU VENDREDI (His girl friday) (1939)
LA PATROUILLE DE PANAMA (Panama patrol) (1939)
VEILLEE D'AMOUR (When tomorrow comes) (1939)
LAISSEZ-NOUS VIVRE (Let us live) (1939)
LE REGNE DE LA JOIE (Broadway melody of 1938) (1937)
NOUVEAUX VISAGES 1939 (New faces of 1937) (1937)
PARTNERS IN CRIME (Partners in crime) (1937)
APRES (The road back) (1937)
L'EXTRAVAGANT MONSIEUR DEEDS (Mr. Deeds goes to town) (1936)
LE VANDALE (Come and get it) (1936)
L'ENCHANTERESSE (The gorgeous hussy) (1936)
SUR PAROLE (Parole !) (1936)
EPREUVES (Next time we love) (1936)
LA LOI DU PLUS FORT (Riffraff) (1936)
UNE FINE MOUCHE (Libeled lady) (1936)
CADEAU DE MARIAGE (Wedding present) (1936)
CAIN ET MABEL (Cain and Mabel) (1936)
EN PARADE (Gold diggers of 1937) (1936)
SIXIEME EDITION (Front page woman) (1935)
VIVRE SA VIE (I live my life) (1935)
MONDES PRIVES (Private worlds) (1935)
THANKS A MILLION (Thanks a million) (1935)
LES JOIES DE LA FAMILLE (Man on the flying trapeze) (1935)
A TRAVERS L'ORAGE (Way down east) (1935)
CARAVANE (Caravan) (1934)
NOTRE PAIN QUOTIDIEN (Our daily bread) (1934)
NEW YORK - MIAMI (It happened one night) (1934)
LA DANSEUSE A L'EVENTAIL (Lady by choice) (1934)
THE BIG SHAKEDOWN (The big shakedown) (1934)
VIVRE ET AIMER (Sadie Mac Kee) (1934)
LES NUITS DE NEW YORK (Now i'll tell) (1934)
MANDALAY (Mandalay) (1934)
MASQUES DE CIRE (The mystery of the wax museum) (1933)
BUREAU DE RECHERCHES (Bureau of missing persons) (1933)
GRANDE DAME D'UN JOUR (Lady for a day) (1933)
VAGABONDS DU CIEL (Parachute jumper) (1933)
LE ROI DE LA CHAUSSURE (The working man) (1933)
TRIOMPHE DE LA JEUNESSE (This day and age) (1933)
LE TOMBEUR (Lady killer) (1933)
ENTREE DES EMPLOYES (Employee's entrance) (1933)
LADIES THEY TALK ABOUT (Ladies they talk about) (1933)
UN COEUR DEUX POINGS (The prizefighter and the lady) (1933)
THE DARK HORSE (The dark horse) (1932)
LA RUEE (American madness) (1932)
SI J'AVAIS UN MILLION (If I had a million) (1932)
LE LIEUTENANT SOURIANT (The smiling lieutenant) (1931)