BYRNE Michael
© Texte : Ciné
Date de naissance 07/11/1943
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CHARLIE MORTDECAI (Mortdecai) (2014)
DIANA (Diana) (2013)
QUARTET (Quartet) (2012)
LA SOMME DE TOUTES LES PEURS (The sum of all fears) (2002)
GANGS OF NEW YORK (Gangs of New York) (2002)
D'ARTAGNAN (The musketeer) (2001)
TERRE CHAMP DE BATAILLE (Battlefield earth) (2000)
L'ECHANGE (Proof of life) (2000)
UN ELEVE DOUE (Apt pupil) (1998)
LE SAINT (The saint) (1997)
DEMAIN NE MEURT JAMAIS (Tomorrow never dies) (1997)
L'ETOILE DE ROBINSON (The island on bird street) (1997)
BRAVEHEART (Braveheart) (1995)
NOSTRADAMUS (Nostradamus) (1994)
INDIANA JONES ET LA DERNIERE CROISADE (Indiana Jones and the last crusade) (1989)
BUSTER (Buster) (1988)
THE GOOD FATHER (The good father) (1985)
CHAMPIONS (Champions) (1983)
LA GRANDE MENACE (The medusa touch) (1978)
L'OURAGAN VIENT DE NAVARONE (Force ten from Navarone) (1978)
UN PONT TROP LOIN (A bridge too far) (1977)
L'AIGLE S'EST ENVOLE (The eagle has landed) (1975)
CONDUCT UNBECOMING (Conduct unbecoming) (1975)
VAMPYRES (Vampyres) (1974)
BUTLEY (Butley) (1973)
L'EPEE ECARLATE (The scarlet blade) (1963)