© Texte : Ciné
Date de naissance 10/12/1889
Date de décès 11/07/1965
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Décédé le 11.07.1965 d'un emphysème .......
LA SOIF DU MAL (Touch of evil) (1957)
UNE CADILLAC EN OR MASSIF (The solid gold cadillac) (1956)
NE DITES JAMAIS ADIEU (Never say goodbye) (1956)
LA MAISON DES OTAGES (The desperate hours) (1955)
ATHENA (Athena) (1954)
L'HEROIQUE LIEUTENANT (Column south) (1953)
LE CHANT DU DESERT (The desert song) (1953)
THE KID FROM LEFT FIELD (The kid from left field) (1953)
ETERNELS ENNEMIS (Bad for each other) (1953)
UN GARCON ENTREPRENANT (Young man with ideas) (1952)
LA VALLEE DE LA VENGEANCE (Vengeance valley) (1951)
L'INVITATION (Invitation) (1951)
LA MARINE EST DANS LE LAC (You're in the navy now) (1951)
FACE A L'ORAGE (I want you) (1951)
RACKET (The racket) (1951)
FRANCIS (Francis) (1950)
PLACIDE ET ZOE A NEW YORK (Pa and Ma Kettle go to New York) (1950)
LA RUE DE TRAVERSE (Paid in full) (1950)
UNE ROUSSE OBSTINEE (The reformer and the redhead) (1950)
LA JOLIE FERMIERE (Summer stock) (1950)
LE REBELLE (The fountainhead) (1949)
L'HERITIERE (The heiress) (1949)
LE RETOUR DE L'ETALON ROUGE (Red stallion in the rockies) (1949)
LA PEINE DU TALION (The man from Colorado) (1949)
OTHELLO (A double life) (1948)
TRAGIQUE DECISION (Command decision) (1948)
LE RETOUR (Homecoming) (1948)
CE BON VIEUX SAM (Good Sam) (1948)
L'ETALON ROUGE (The red stallion) (1947)
DEUX SOEURS VIVAIENT EN PAIX (The bachelor and the bobby-soxer) (1947)
LE MANOIR DE LA HAINE (The swordsman) (1947)
LES PLUS BELLES ANNEES DE NOTRE VIE (The best years of our lives) (1946)
REVOLTE A BORD (Two years before the mast) (1946)
LA VILLE DES SANS-LOI (Bad man's territory) (1946)
BOYS' RANCH (Boys' ranch) (1946)
LE RETOUR DE MONTE-CRISTO (The return of Monte-Cristo) (1946)
LE BEL ESPOIR (Miss Susie slagle's) (1946)
PECHE MORTEL (Leave her to heaven) (1945)
L'INVISIBLE MEURTRIER (The unseen) (1945)
ROUGHLY SPEAKING (Roughly speaking) (1945)
LA SEPTIEME CROIX (The seventh cross) (1944)
CARAVANE D'AMOUR (Can't help singing) (1944)
HITLER ET SA CLIQUE (The Hitler gang) (1944)
LA VEILLE DE LA SAINT-MARC (The Eve of St. Mark) (1944)
MADAME CURIE (Madame Curie) (1943)
ET LA VIE CONTINUE (The human comedy) (1943)
L'AMOUR TRAVESTI (Slighty dangerous) (1942)
LA SPLENDEUR DES AMBERSON (The magnificent Ambersons) (1942)
LA POUPEE BRISEE (The big street) (1942)
LE COMMANDO FRAPPE A L'AUBE (Commandos strike at dawn) (1942)
LA MARINE TRIOMPHE (The navy comes through) (1942)
CITIZEN KANE (Citizen Kane) (1941)