DAVIS George
© Texte : Cinéfiches.com
Date de naissance 07/11/1889
Date de décès 19/04/1965
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Décédé le 19.04.1965 d'un cancer .....
T'ES PLUS DANS LA COURSE PAPA (Come blow your horn) (1963)
DIX RUE FREDERICK (Ten North Frederick) (1958)
LES GIRLS (Les girls) (1957)
MELODIE INTERROMPUE (Interrupted melody) (1955)
LE FANTOME DE LA RUE MORGUE (Phantom of the Rue Morgue) (1954)
LES HOMMES PREFERENT LES BLONDES (Gentlemen prefer blondes) (1953)
VICKY (Scandal at Scourie) (1953)
LILI (Lili) (1953)
DESIR D'AMOUR (Easy to love) (1953)
LES NEIGES DU KILIMANDJARO (The snows of the Kilimanjaro) (1952)
LES ROIS DE LA COUTURE (Lovely to look at) (1952)
LA VEUVE JOYEUSE (The merry widow) (1952)
UN AMERICAIN A PARIS (An American in Paris) (1951)
SUR LA RIVIERA (On the Riviera) (1951)
THE LADY SAYS NO ! (The lady says no !) (1951)
RICHE JEUNE ET JOLIE (Rich young and pretty) (1951)
LE CHANT DE LA LOUISIANE (The toast of New Orleans) (1950)
MADAME BOVARY (Madame Bovary) (1949)
ARC DE TRIOMPHE (Arch of triumph) (1948)
OMBRES SUR PARIS (To the victor) (1948)
LE CHARLATAN (Nightmare alley) (1947)
CRIME DOCTOR'S GAMBLE (Crime doctor's gamble) (1947)
LE FIL DU RASOIR (The razor's edge) (1946)
LE RETOUR DE MONTE-CRISTO (The return of Monte-Cristo) (1946)
LOVER COME BACK (Lover come back) (1946)
CATMAN OF PARIS (The catman of Paris) (1946)
SANS AMOUR (Without love) (1945)
NOTRE CHER AMOUR (This love of ours) (1945)
LES BLANCHES FALAISES DE DOUVRES (The white cliffs of Dover) (1944)
ONCE UPON A TIME (Once upon a time) (1944)
CE N'EST QU'UN AU REVOIR (Till we meet again) (1944)
MADAME PARKINGTON (Mrs. Parkington) (1944)
UN ESPION A DISPARU (Above suspicion) (1943)
MISSION A MOSCOU (Mission to Moscow) (1943)
PARIS AFTER DARK (Paris after dark) (1943)
POUR MOI ET MA MIE (For me and my gal) (1942)
THE PIED PIPER (The pied piper) (1942)
LA PROIE DU MORT (Rage in heaven) (1941)
HELLZAPOPPIN (Hellzapoppin) (1941)
LADY HAMILTON (Lady Hamilton) (1941)
HISTOIRE INACHEVEE (Unfinished business) (1941)
ARISE MY LOVE (Arise my love) (1940)
LA BELLE ECUYERE (Chad Hanna) (1940)
THE LADY IN QUESTION (The lady in question) (1940)
NINOTCHKA (Ninotchka) (1939)
CHARLIE CHAN IN CITY IN DARKNESS (Charlie Chan in city of darkness) (1939)
TOUT SE PASSE LA NUIT (Everything happens at night) (1939)
LA HUITIEME FEMME DE BARBE-BLEUE (Bluebeard's eighth wife) (1938)
L'HOMME MARQUE (Hunted men) (1938)
LA BARONNE ET SON VALET (The baroness and the butler) (1938)
MISS CATASTROPHE (There's always a woman) (1938)
POUR UN MILLION (I'll give a million) (1938)
A PARIS TOUS LES TROIS (I met him in Paris) (1937)
MARIE WALEWSKA (Conquest) (1937)
ANGE (Angel) (1937)
CAFE METROPOLE (Cafe metropole) (1937)
LE PRINCE X (Thin ice) (1937)
ON A VOLE CENT MILLE DOLLARS (We have our moments) (1937)
LE SECRET DES CHANDELIERS (The emperor's candlesticks) (1937)
CHARLIE CHAN A MONTE-CARLO (Charlie Chan at Monte-Carlo) (1937)
LE DESTIN SE JOUE LA NUIT (History is made at night) (1937)
BRELAN D'AS (You can't have everything) (1937)
DESIR (Desire) (1936)
LA FIEVRE DES TROPIQUES (His brother's wife) (1936)
LOUFOQUE ET CIE (Love on the run) (1936)
EPREUVES (Next time we love) (1936)
AU SEUIL DE LA VIE (The devil is a sissy) (1936)
UNE FINE MOUCHE (Libeled lady) (1936)
UNE BELLE BLONDE (Suzy) (1936)
CADEAU DE MARIAGE (Wedding present) (1936)
FATAL LADY (Fatal lady) (1936)
LA REBELLE (A woman rebels) (1936)
LES MAINS D'ORLAC (Mad love) (1935)
LE SECRET MAGNIFIQUE (Magnificent obsession) (1935)
CHARLIE CHAN A PARIS (Charlie Chan in Paris) (1935)
LA BONNE FEE (The good fairy) (1935)
LE CHAT NOIR (The black cat) (1934)
LA VEUVE JOYEUSE (The merry widow) (1934)
CARAVANE (Caravan) (1934)
LA JOYEUSE DIVORCEE (The gay divorcee) (1934)
L'IMPERATRICE ROUGE (The scarlet empress) (1934)
PIRATES DE LA MODE (Fashions of 1934) (1934)
LES NUITS DE NEW YORK (Now i'll tell) (1934)
MARIE GALANTE (Marie Galante) (1934)
L'HOMME QUI RECLAMAIT SA TETE (The man who reclaimed his head) (1934)
PATTE DE CHAT (The cat's paw) (1934)
LE CHAT ET LE VIOLON (The cat and the fiddle) (1933)
REUNION A VIENNE (Reunion in Vienna) (1933)
COMME TU ME VEUX (As you desire me) (1932)
UNE HEURE PRES DE TOI (One hour with you) (1932)
LE PLOMBIER AMOUREUX (The passionate plumber) (1932)
AIMEZ-MOI CE SOIR (Love me tonight) (1932)
JEWEL ROBBERY (Jewel robbery) (1932)
L'ATHLETE INCOMPLET (Local boy makes good) (1932)
L'HOMME QUE J'AI TUE (Broken Lullaby) (1931)
VIES PRIVEES (Private lives) (1931)
LAUGH AND GET RICH (Laugh and get rich) (1931)
BUSTER SE MARIE (Parlor bedroom and bath) (1931)
BIG HOUSE (The big house) (1930)
DULCY (Not so dumb) (1930)
LE PETIT CAFE (Playboy of Paris) (1930)
LE BAISER (The kiss) (1929)
LE PROCES DE MARY DUGAN (The trial of Mary Dugan) (1929)
LE LIEUTENANT SANS-GENE (Devil-may-care) (1929)
LE CIRQUE (The circus) (1928)
LES QUATRE DIABLES (Four devils) (1928)
LE FANTOME DE L'OPERA (The phantom of the opera) (1925)
SHERLOCK JUNIOR (Sherlock junior) (1924)
LARMES DE CLOWN (He who gets slapped) (1924)
PICRATT BAT LA CAMPAGNE (Stupid, but brave) (1924)