PAGET Alfred
© Texte : Ciné
Date de naissance 02/06/1879
Date de décès 08/08/1919
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Décédé le 08 octobre 1919 des suites de la malaria .....
INTOLERANCE (Intolerance) (1916)
JUDITH DE BETHULIE (Judith of Bethulia) (1914)
THE BATTLE AT ELDERBUSH GULCH (The battle at Elderbush Gulch) (1913)
COEUR D'APACHE (The musketeers of pig alley) (1912)
FILLE D'EVE (Two daughters of Eve) (1912)
FOR HIS SON (For his son) (1912)
LA BATAILLE (The battle) (1911)
LE COEUR DE L'AVARE (The miser's heart) (1911)
THE ADVENTURES OF BILLY (The adventures of Billy) (1911)
LA DERNIERE GOUTTE D'EAU (The last drop of water) (1911)
PEGGY L'INSOUMISE (Wilful Peggy) (1910)
L'USURIER (The usurer) (1910)
CE QUE DISENT LES FLEURS (What the daisy said) (1910)
LA MER CALME (The unchanging sea) (1910)
DERRIERE LES VOLETS CLOS (The house with closed shutters) (1910)
LE ROMAN D'UNE JUIVE (Romance of jewess) (1908)