DOUGLAS Donald (3)
© Texte : Ciné
Date de naissance 24/08/1905
Date de décès 31/12/1945
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Décédé le 31.12.1945 de complications survenues après une appendicite .....
GILDA (Gilda) (1946)
TARZAN ET LES AMAZONES (Tarzan and the Amazons) (1945)
CLUB HAVANA (Club Havana) (1945)
ADIEU MA JOLIE (Murder my sweet) (1944)
L'AMAZONE AUX YEUX VERTS (Tall in the saddle) (1944)
SCANDALE A LA COUR (A royal scandal) (1944)
QUATRE DU MUSIC-HALL (Show business) (1944)
LE FAUCON AU FAR WEST (The Falcon out West) (1944)
CONVOI VERS LA RUSSIE (Action in the north atlantic) (1943)
FLEUR D'HIVER (Wintertime) (1943)
PLUS ON EST DE FOUS (The more the merrier) (1943)
FACE AU SOLEIL LEVANT (Behind the rising sun) (1943)
LA BOULE DE CRISTAL (The crystal ball) (1943)
APPOINTMENT IN BERLIN (Appointment in Berlin) (1943)
SIX DESTINS (Tales of Manhattan) (1942)
SERGENT YORK (Sergeant York) (1941)
DEAD MEN TELL (Dead men tell) (1941)
PAR LA PORTE D'OR (Hold back the dawn) (1941)
LA SECRETAIRE PRIVEE D'ANDY HARDY (Andy Hardy's private secretary) (1941)
CHEERS FOR MISS BISHOP (Cheers for miss Bishop) (1941)
LA VIE DE THOMAS EDISON (Edison the man) (1940)
L'APPEL DES AILES (Flight command) (1940)
CHARLIE CHAN A PANAMA (Charlie Chan in Panama) (1940)
MONSIEUR WILSON PERD LA TETE (I love you again) (1940)
QUEEN OF THE MOB (Queen of the mob) (1940)
L'ILE DES DAMNES (Island of doomed man) (1940)
LE BRIGAND BIEN-AIME (Jesse James) (1939)
MONSIEUR MOTO EN PERIL (Mr. Moto in danger island) (1939)
AU SERVICE DE LA LOI (Sergeant Madden) (1939)
LA FILLE DU NORD (Second fiddle) (1939)
SMASHING THE MONEY RING (Smashing the money ring) (1939)
PRIVATE DETECTIVE (Private detective) (1939)
PILOTE D'ESSAI (Test pilot) (1938)
LA FOULE EN DELIRE (The crowd roars) (1938)
LA FOLLE PARADE (Alexander's ragtime band) (1938)
LES ENFANTS DU JUGE HARDY (Judge Hardy's children) (1938)
SPECIAL INSPECTOR (Special inspector) (1938)
CONVICTED (Convicted) (1938)
LES CADETS DE LA MER (Navy blue and gold) (1937)
LES HOMMES EN BLANC (Men in white) (1934)
JIMMY THE GENT (Jimmy the gent) (1934)
AGENT 13 (Operator 13) (1933)
GABBO LE VENTRILOQUE (The great Gabbo) (1929)