FURIE Sidney J.
Metteur en scène
© Texte : Cinéfiches.com
Date de naissance 28/02/1933
Date de décès /
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- Fiche de Monsieur Cinéma
Agence ou contact
LES RAPACES (Top of the world) (1997)
LES ENRAGES (The rage) (1997)
IMPACT GROS CALIBRE (Hollow point) (1995)
LADYBUGS (Ladybugs) (1992)
LA PRISE DE BEVERLY HILLS (The taking of Beverly Hills) (1991)
AIGLE DE FER 2 (Iron eagle II) (1988)
SUPERMAN 4 (Superman IV - the quest for peace) (1987)
AIGLE DE FER (Iron eagle) (1985)
AU COEUR DE L'ENFER (Purple hearts) (1984)
L'EMPRISE (The entity) (1981)
LES BOYS DE LA COMPAGNIE C (The boys in company C) (1978)
GABLE AND LOMBARD (Gable and Lombard) (1976)
SHEILA LEVINE IS DEAD AND LIVING IN NEW YORK (Sheila Levine is dead and living in New York) (1974)
HIT ! (Hit !) (1973)
LADY SINGS THE BLUES (Lady sings the blues) (1972)
L'ULTIME RANDONNEE (Little Fauss and big Halsy) (1970)
CHANTAGE AU MEURTRE (The naked runner) (1967)
L'HOMME DE LA SIERRA (The appaloosa) (1966)
IPCRESS DANGER IMMEDIAT (The ipcress file) (1965)
WONDERFUL LIFE (Wonderful life) (1964)
THE LEATHER BOYS (The leather boys) (1963)
LES GARCONS (The boys) (1962)