© Photo : Warner Bros
© Texte : Cinéfiches.com
Date de naissance 01/01/1889
Date de décès 07/03/1955
Vrai nom DUGAN Thomas J.
Agence ou contact
Décédé le 06.03.1955 dans un accident de voiture .....
LES DEGOURDIS DE LA M.P. (Off limits) (1953)
FILLES DANS LA NUIT (Girls in the night) (1953)
LA BELLE DE NEW YORK (Belle of New York) (1951)
QUAND TU ME SOURIS (Meet Danny Wilson) (1951)
AMOUR ET CAMERA (Watch the birdie) (1951)
ELLE CHERCHE UN MILLIONNAIRE (Painting the clouds with sunshine) (1951)
UN JOUR A NEW YORK (On the town) (1949)
MATCH D'AMOUR (Take me out to the ball game) (1949)
CE BON VIEUX SAM (Good Sam) (1948)
ALWAYS TOGETHER (Always together) (1948)
L'ARCHANGE DE BROOKLYN (Texas Brooklyn and heaven) (1948)
LA MARIEE EST FOLLE (The bride goes wild) (1948)
LES EXPLOITS DE PEARL WHITE (The perils of Pauline) (1947)
L'AS DU CINEMA (Merton of the movies) (1947)
VIVE L'AMOUR (Good news) (1947)
LES PLUS BELLES ANNEES DE NOTRE VIE (The best years of our lives) (1946)
EVE ETERNELLE (Easy to wed) (1946)
CROSS MY HEART (Cross my heart) (1946)
L'INTROUVABLE RENTRE CHEZ LUI (The thin man goes home) (1945)
EADIE WAS A LADY (Eadie was a lady) (1945)
DEANNA MENE L'ENQUETE (Lady on a train) (1945)
LE JOCKEY DE L'AMOUR (Home in Indiana) (1944)
HEY ROOKIE (Hey, Rookie) (1944)
ONCE UPON A TIME (Once upon a time) (1944)
HOMMES DU MONDE (In society) (1944)
UN FOU S'EN VA-T-EN GUERRE (Up in arms) (1944)
BATAAN (Bataan) (1943)
JOHNNY LE VAGABOND (Johnny come lately) (1943)
LA BOULE DE CRISTAL (The crystal ball) (1943)
LA CITE SANS HOMMES (City without men) (1943)
L'ILE AUX PLAISIRS (Coney island) (1943)
PERDUE SOUS LES TROPIQUES (Flight for freedom) (1943)
JEUX DANGEREUX (To be or not to be) (1942)
LA CLE DE VERRE (The glass key) (1942)
UNIFORMES ET JUPONS COURTS (The major and the minor) (1942)
AU PAYS DU RYTHME (Star spangled rhythm) (1942)
LA PENICHE DE L'AMOUR (Moontide) (1942)
LES CHEVALIERS DU CIEL (Captains of the clouds) (1942)
MEET THE STEWARTS (Meet the stewarts) (1942)
EMBRASSONS LA MARIEE (They all kissed the bride) (1942)
LA GLORIEUSE PARADE (Yankee doodle dandy) (1942)
TEXAS (Texas) (1941)
BOMBARDIERS EN PIQUE (Dive bomber) (1941)
THREE SONS O'GUNS (Three sons o'guns) (1941)
THE SMILING GHOST (The smiling ghost) (1941)
ELLERY QUEEN'S PENTHOUSE MYSTERY (Ellery queen's penthouse mystery) (1941)
ELLERY QUEEN AND THE MURDER RING (Ellery queen and the murder ring) (1941)
LA CARAVANE HEROIQUE (Virginia city) (1940)
DOUBLE CHANCE (Lucky partners) (1940)
JOHNNY APOLLO (Johnny Apollo) (1940)
LE MYSTERE DU CHATEAU MAUDIT (The ghost breakers) (1940)
LE REGIMENT DES BAGARREURS (The fighting 69th) (1940)
CROSS-COUNTRY ROMANCE (Cross-country romance) (1940)
SATURDAY'S CHILDREN (Saturday's children) (1940)
QUEEN OF THE MOB (Queen of the mob) (1940)
ELLE ET LUI (Love affair) (1939)
LE MYSTERE DE LA PENICHE (The housekeeper's daughter) (1939)
LE CHATIMENT (You can't get away with murder) (1939)
MILLION DOLLAR LEGS (Million dollars legs) (1939)
VEILLEE D'AMOUR (When tomorrow comes) (1939)
FILLES COURAGEUSES (Daughters courageous) (1939)
L'EMPREINTE DU LOUP SOLITAIRE (The lone wolf spy hunt) (1939)
JE SUIS UN CRIMINEL (They made me a criminal) (1938)
REVES DE JEUNESSE (Four daughters) (1938)
MISS CATASTROPHE (There's always a woman) (1938)
LA FOLLE CONFESSION (True confession) (1937)
ON DEMANDE UNE ETOILE (Pick a star) (1937)
LA GRANDE VILLE (Big city) (1937)
SAN FRANCISCO (San Francisco) (1936)
SA FEMME ET SA SECRETAIRE (Wife versus secretary) (1936)
MEURTRE DANS LA MARINE (Murder in the fleet) (1935)
CHRONIQUE MONDAINE (After office hours) (1935)
VIVRE SA VIE (I live my life) (1935)
IMPETUEUSE JEUNESSE (Ah wilderness !) (1935)
CINQUANTE MILLE DOLLARS MORTE OU VIVE (Three kids and a queen) (1935)
ALLER ET RETOUR (The gilded Lily) (1935)
LES NUITS DE NEW YORK (Now i'll tell) (1934)
PATTE DE CHAT (The cat's paw) (1934)
DOCTEUR X (Doctor X) (1932)
LA RUEE (American madness) (1932)
BIG CITY BLUES (Big city blues) (1932)
LIGHTS OF NEW YORK (Lights of New York) (1928)