Amours et sexualite
Homosexualité masculine (Cinéma américain)
Liste des films
BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY Bohemian rhapsody-2017
THE STRANGE ONES The strange ones-2017
TAB HUNTER CONFIDENTIAL Tab hunter confidential-2015
LOVE IS STRANGE Love is strange-2014
MA VIE AVEC LIBERACE Behind the candelabra-2013
INTERIOR. LEATHER BAR Interior, leather bar-2013
WRONG COPS Wrong cops-2013
SAN FRANCISCO, 1985 Test-2013
KEEP THE LIGHTS ON Keep the lights on-2012
MY TWO DADDIES Any day now-2012
I WANT YOUR LOVE I want your love-2012
PAPERBOY The paperboy-2012
RED STATE Red state-2011
IN THE FAMILY In the family-2011
THE STRANGE THING ABOUT THE JOHNSONS The strange thing about the Johnsons-2011
J. EDGAR J.Edgar-2010
A SINGLE MAN A single man-2009
WHATEVER WORKS Whatever works-2009
BORAT Borat-2006
LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE Little Miss Sunshine-2006
BOY CULTURE Boy culture-2006
EDMOND Edmond-2005
PERVERT ! Pervert !-2005
DE-LOVELY De-lovely-2004
MYSTERIOUS SKIN Mysterious skin-2004
FAMILY PORTRAITS Family portraits : a trilogy of America-2003
LOIN DU PARADIS Far from heaven-2002
THE FLUFFER The fluffer-2001
LE MEXICAIN The mexican-2001
BLEU PROFOND The deep end-2001
UN COUPLE PRESQUE PARFAIT The next best thing-2000
LE TALENTUEUX MR RIPLEY The talented Mr Ripley-1999
HAPPY TEXAS Happy Texas-1999
UN DE TROP Three to tango-1999
GO ! Go-1999
BILLY'S HOLLYWOOD SCREEN KISS Billy's Hollywood screen kiss-1998
ENTRE AMIS ET VOISINS Your friends and neighbors-1998
NI DIEUX NI DEMONS Gods and monsters-1998
L'OBJET DE MON AFFECTION The object of my affection-1998
RELAX... IT'S JUST SEX Relax... it's just sex-1998
SEXE ET AUTRES COMPLICATIONS The opposite of sex-1998
KISS ME GUIDO Kiss me Guido-1997
POUR LE PIRE ET POUR LE MEILLEUR As good as it gets-1997
MINUIT DANS LE JARDIN DU BIEN ET DU MAL Midnight in the garden of Good and evil-1997
IN AND OUT In & out-1997
LICENSED TO KILL Licensed to kill-1997
MUST BE THE MUSIC Must be the music-1997
NUNZIO'S SECOND COUSIN Nunzio's second cousin-1997
CLOSE TO Close to-1997
GUMMO Gummo-1997
LE MARIAGE DE MON MEILLEUR AMI My best friend's wedding-1997
LOVE ! VALOUR ! COMPASSION ! Love valour compassion !-1997
A GOOD SON A good son-1997
NOWHERE Nowhere-1996
HUSTLER WHITE Hustler white-1996
THE BIRDCAGE The birdcage-1996
FLIRTER AVEC LES EMBROUILLES Flirting with disaster-1996
FLIPPING Flipping-1996
RAISING HEROES Raising heroes-1996
APART FROM HUGH Apart from hugh-1996
BOTTES DE NUIT Boot camp-1996
IT'S MY PARTY It's my party-1995
THE TOILERS AND THE WAYFARERS The toilers and the wayfarers-1995
STONEWALL Stonewall-1995
ALKALI IOWA Alkali iowa-1995
THE CELLULOID CLOSET The celluloid closet-1995
EXTRAVAGANCES To wong foo thanks for everything, Julie Newmar-1995
FLIRT Flirt-1995
JEFFREY Jeffrey-1995
WEEK-END EN FAMILLE Home for the holidays-1995
OU SONT LES HOMMES ? Waiting to exhale-1995
RED RIBBON BLUES Red ribbon blues-1995
FRISK Frisk-1995
LIE DOWN WITH DOGS Lie down with dogs-1994
BALLOT MEASURE 9 Ballot measure 9-1994
BLACK IS BLACK AIN'T Black is black ain't-1994
RAMBLES Rambles-1994
TREVOR Trevor-1994
THE DOOM GENERATION The doom generation-1994
POOL DAYS Pool days-1994
A FRIEND OF DOROTHY A friend of dorothy-1994
NO ORDINARY LOVE No ordinary love-1994
POSTCARDS FROM AMERICA Postcards from america-1994
WORLD AND TIME ENOUGH World and time enough-1994
ROY COHN / JACK SMITH Roy Cohn / Jack Smith-1994
ENTRETIEN AVEC UN VAMPIRE Interview with the vampire-1994
GENERATION 90 Reality bites-1994
LES SOLDATS DE L'ESPERANCE And the band played on-1993
SIX DEGRES DE SEPARATION Six degrees of separation-1993
SEX IS ... Sex is ...-1993
NAKED IN NEW YORK Naked in New York-1993
GRIEF Grief-1993
PHILADELPHIA Philadelphia-1993
THE DISCO YEARS The disco years-1993
LIVING PROOF : HIV AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS Living proof : HIV and the pursuit of happiness-1993
THE LIFE AND TIMES OF ALLEN GINSBERG The life and times of Allen Ginsberg-1993
PARADIS SOURD Deaf heaven-1993
TOTALLY F*** ED UP Totally F***ed up-1993
BREAK OUT Where the days take you-1992
SILVERLAKE LIFE : THE VIEW FROM HERE Silverlake life : the view from here-1992
ROCK HUDSON'S HOME MOVIES Rock hudson's home movies-1992
THE LIVING END The living end-1992
SMOKE Smoke-1992
THE DEAD BOY'S CLUB The dead boys' club-1992
SWOON Swoon-1992
WHEN THE PARTY'S OVER When the party's over-1992
HIPPY PORN Hippy porn-1991
TOGETHER ALONE Together alone-1991
MY OWN PRIVATE IDAHO My own private Idaho-1991
BIENVENUE AU CLUB Queens logic-1991
WIND Wind-1991
NORTH OF VORTEX North of vortex-1991
CAUGHT LOOKING Caught looking-1991
UN COMPAGNON DE LONGUE DATE Longtime companion-1990
DERNIERES VOLONTES Too much sun-1990
RESIDENT ALIEN Resident alien-1990
MEN IN LOVE Men in love-1990
DER SKIPPER Der Skipper-1989
POISON Poison-1989
LANGUES DELIEES Tongues untied-1989
FUN DOWN THERE Fun down there-1988
TORCH SONG TRILOGY Torch song trilogy-1988
TROIS PAUMES DANS LA NUIT Three bewildered people in the night-1987
'68 '68-1987
CLINS D'OEIL SUR UN ADIEU Parting glances-1985
BUDDIES Buddies-1985
MALA NOCHE Mala noche-1985
ST ELMO'S FIRE St Elmo's fire-1985
MISHIMA Mishima : a life in four chapters-1985
L'HOTEL NEW HAMPSHIRE Hotel New Hampshire-1984
MORT D'UN DEALER Mike's murder-1984
THE PEOPLE VS. DAN WHITE The people vs. dan white-1984
AVIS DE RECHERCHES Without a trace-1983
ABUSE Abuse-1983
WILLIAM BURROUGHS William burroughs-1983
BEFORE STONEWALL Before Stonewall-1983
ANGEL Angel-1983
STREAMERS Streamers-1983
PIEGE MORTEL Deathtrap-1982
PARTNERS Partners-1982
MAKING LOVE Making love-1982
VICTOR, VICTORIA Victor Victoria-1982
NEW YORK 42IEME RUE Forty deuce-1981
LA GRANDE ZORRO Zorro the gay blade-1980
LA CHASSE Cruising-1979
PENITENTIARY Penitentiary-1979
LES YEUX DE LAURA MARS Eyes of Laura Mars-1978
MIDNIGHT EXPRESS Midnight express-1978
BANDE DE FLICS The choirboys-1977
THE RITZ The ritz-1976
NORMAN LA FOLLE Norman... is that you ?-1976
WILLIE DYNAMITE Willie dynamite-1974
UNE CHOSE TRES NATURELLE A very natural thing-1974
L'EVADE DE L'ILE AU DIABLE I escaped from devil's island-1973
CABARET Cabaret-1972
GREASER'S PALACE Greaser's palace-1972
LE GANG ANDERSON The Anderson tapes-1971
PINK NARCISSUS Pink narcissus-1971
LES GARCONS DE LA BANDE The boys in the band-1970
SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE Something for everyone-1970
SONG OF THE LOON Song of the loon-1970
THE ADVERSARY The adversary-1970
DINAH EAST Dinah East-1970
GROUPIES Groupies-1970
MULTIPLE MANIACS Multiple maniacs-1970
ORGISSIMO Beyond the valley of the dolls-1970
BLOODY MAMA Bloody Mama-1970
MACADAM COW-BOY Midnight cowboy-1969
ANGEL ANGEL DOWN WE GO Angel angel down we go-1969
DIS-MOI QUE TU M'AIMES JUNIE MOON Tell me that you love me Junie Moon-1969
LE PIEGE A PEDALES The gay deceivers-1969
LE SERGENT The sergeant-1968
THE LOVES OF ONDINE The loves of Ondine-1968
MOI ET MON FRERE Me and my brother-1968
FLESH Flesh-1968
LE DETECTIVE The detective-1968
LONESOME COWBOYS Lonesome cowboys-1968
LA PARTY The party-1968
SCORPIO RISING Scorpio rising-1967
REFLETS DANS UN OEIL D'OR Reflections in a golden eye-1967
LINE OF APOGEE Line of apogee-1967
PORTRAIT OF JASON Portrait of Jason-1967
BIKE BOY Bike boy-1967
EROS O BASILEUS Eros o Basileus-1967
BROTHEL Brothel-1966
THE CHELSEA GIRLS The Chelsea girls-1966
THE ILLIAC PASSION The illiac passion-1966
THE LIFE OF JUANITA CASTRO The life of juanita castro-1965
MY HUSTLER My hustler-1965
DAISY CLOVER Inside Daisy Clover-1965
FLAMING CREATURES Flaming creatures-1963
TWICE A MAN Twice a man-1963
LE COUTEAU DANS L'EAU Noz w wodzie-1962
SOUDAIN L'ETE DERNIER Suddenly last summer-1959
THE FLOWER THIEF The flower thief-1959
LE GAUCHER The left handed gun-1958
THE ET SYMPATHIE Tea and sympathy-1956
LE TRAQUE Gunman in the streets-1950
LA CORDE Rope-1948
LE BANNI The outlaw-1943
AMOUR DE MARIN Sailor's luck-1933
LE HEROS DE L'ALASKA The soilers-1923