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Date de naissance 26/03/1907
Date de décès 10/12/1969
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Decede le 10 decembre 1969
L'HOMME DE MAJORQUE (Mannen fran Mallorca) (1984)
ETRANGES COMPAGNONS DE LIT (Strange bedfellows) (1964)
LE CALIFORNIEN (Guns of Diablo) (1964)
LE CIRQUE DU DOCTEUR LAO (Seven faces of Dr. Lao) (1964)
LES AMOURS ENCHANTEES (The wonderful world of the brothers Grimm) (1962)
BRANLE-BAS AU CASINO (The honeymoon machine) (1960)
COMANCHE STATION (Comanche station) (1960)
VOULEZ-VOUS PECHER AVEC MOI ? (The facts of life) (1960)
L'HOMME AUX COLTS D'OR (Warlock) (1959)
MINCE DE PLANETE (Visit to a small planet) (1959)
DIX RUE FREDERICK (Ten North Frederick) (1958)
DUEL DANS LA BOUE (These thousand hills) (1958)
L'HOMME DE L'OUEST (Man of the West) (1958)
LE REMARQUABLE MONSIEUR PENNYPACKER (The remarkable Mr Pennypacker) (1958)
TORPILLES SOUS L'ATLANTIQUE (The enemy below) (1957)
LE BRIGAND BIEN-AIME (The true story of Jesse James) (1957)
LES SENSUELS (No down payment) (1957)
LES NAUFRAGES DE L'AUTOCAR (The wayward bus) (1957)
A 23 PAS DU MYSTERE (23 paces to Baker Street) (1956)
LA MAISON DE BAMBOU (House of bamboo) (1955)
LA CHARGE DES TUNIQUES BLEUES (The last frontier) (1955)
LE FOND DE LA BOUTEILLE (The bottom of the bottle) (1955)
LA FILLE SUR LA BALANCOIRE (The girl in the red velvet swing) (1955)
BONJOUR MISS DOVE (Good morning miss Dove) (1955)
LA LANCE BRISEE (Broken lance) (1954)
LA VEUVE NOIRE (Black widow) (1954)
LE PORT DE LA DROGUE (Pickup on south street) (1953)
LES RATS DU DESERT (The desert rats) (1953)
TAXI (Taxi) (1953)
DOWN AMONG THE SHELTERING PALMS (Down among the sheltering palms) (1953)
UN GALOP DU DIABLE (Money from home) (1953)
CHERIE, JE ME SENS RAJEUNIR (Monkey business) (1952)
SEULES LES FEMMES SAVENT MENTIR (My wife's best friend) (1952)
SANS MAMAN (My pal gus) (1952)
SCANDALE A LAS VEGAS (The Las Vegas story) (1952)
FINI DE RIRE (His kind of woman) (1951)
UNE VEINE DE... (Double dynamite) (1951)
FACE A L'ORAGE (I want you) (1951)
BON SANG NE PEUT MENTIR (That's my boy) (1951)
ANNEES DE JEUNESSE (The happy years) (1950)
IRMA A HOLLYWOOD (My friend Irma goes west) (1950)
LE VERDICT DE L'AMOUR (Perfect strangers) (1950)
VOLEUSE D'AMOUR (The company she keeps) (1950)
CA COMMENCE A VERA CRUZ (The big steal) (1949)
THE WOMAN ON PIER 13 (The woman on pier 13) (1949)
LES AMANTS DE LA NUIT (They live by night) (1948)
UN MILLION CLE EN MAINS (Mr Blandings builds his dream house) (1948)
LA COURSE AU MARI (Every girl should be married) (1948)
LE GARCON AUX CHEVEUX VERTS (The boy with green hair) (1948)
LE MIRACLE DES CLOCHES (The miracle of the bells) (1948)
QUAND LE RIDEAU TOMBE (The velvet touch) (1948)
TAÏKOUN (Tycoon) (1947)
MA FEMME EST UN GRAND HOMME (The farmer's daughter) (1947)
SERENADE A MEXICO (Honeymoon) (1947)
DEUX SOEURS VIVAIENT EN PAIX (The bachelor and the bobby-soxer) (1947)
CHILD OF DIVORCE (Child of divorce) (1946)
LE TRAIN DE LA MORT (Terror by night) (1946)
NOCTURNE (Nocturne) (1946)
MARIAGE MODERNE (From this day forward) (1946)
AMOUREUSE (Till the end of time) (1946)
EN ROUTE VERS L'ALASKA (Road to utopia) (1945)
L'ILE DES MORTS (Isle of the dead) (1945)
LE PREMIER AMERICAIN A TOKYO (First Yank into Tokyo) (1945)
JOHNNY ANGEL (Johnny Angel) (1945)
HOLLYWOOD PARADE (Follow the boys) (1944)
QUATRE DU MUSIC-HALL (Show business) (1944)
INTRIGUE A DAMAS (Action in Arabia) (1944)
LE FAUCON AU MEXIQUE (The Falcon in Mexico) (1944)
MARGE D'ERREUR (Margin for error) (1943)
JOHNNY LE VAGABOND (Johnny come lately) (1943)
FLEUR D'HIVER (Wintertime) (1943)
PLUS ON EST DE FOUS (The more the merrier) (1943)
TENDRE CAMARADE (Tender comrade) (1943)
LES NAZIS ATTAQUENT (The nazis strike) (1943)
THEY GOT ME COVERED (They got me covered) (1943)
VAINQUEUR DU DESTIN (The pride of the Yankees) (1942)
ESPIONNE AUX ENCHERES (The lady has plans) (1942)
PRELUDE A LA GUERRE (Prelude to war) (1942)
LE NIGAUD MAGNIFIQUE (The magnificent dope) (1942)
MARIAGE SUR LA GLACE (Iceland) (1942)
LE CHATEAU DES LOUFOQUES (The Boogie Man will get You) (1942)
DOUCE ET CRIQUET S'AIMAIENT D'AMOUR TENDRE (Hoppity goes to town) (1941)
THE SON OF DAVY CROCKETT (The son of David Crockett) (1941)
PINOCCHIO (Pinocchio) (1940)
BLONDIE ON A BUDGET (Blondie on a budget) (1940)
L'EMPREINTE DU LOUP SOLITAIRE (The lone wolf spy hunt) (1939)
BLANCHE-NEIGE ET LES SEPT NAINS (Snow White and the seven dwarfs) (1937)