COOK Clyde
© Texte : Ciné
Date de naissance 16/12/1891
Date de décès 13/08/1984
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Décédé le 13.08.1984 d'une crise cardiaque .....
DEUX NIGAUDS CONTRE DR JEKYLL ET MR HYDE (Abbott and Costello meet Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde) (1953)
OMBRES SUR PARIS (To the victor) (1948)
LE VERDICT (The verdict) (1946)
A CHACUN SON DESTIN (To each his own) (1946)
LES BLANCHES FALAISES DE DOUVRES (The white cliffs of Dover) (1944)
HOLLYWOOD PARADE (Follow the boys) (1944)
ET LA VIE RECOMMENCE (Forever and a day) (1943)
LES HEROS DU PACIFIQUE (The man from down under) (1943)
TONDELAYO (White cargo) (1942)
SOUPCONS (Suspicion) (1941)
L'AIGLE DES MERS (The sea hawk) (1940)
LA LUMIERE QUI S'ETEINT (The light that failed) (1940)
CHANTEZ, DANSEZ, MES BELLES ! (Dance, girl, dance) (1940)
PETITE PRINCESSE (The little princess) (1939)
MONSIEUR MOTO DANS LES BAS-FONDS (Mysterious Mr. Moto) (1938)
LE PROSCRIT (Kidnapped) (1938)
TEMPETE SUR LE BENGALE (Storm over Bengal) (1938)
AMES A LA MER (Souls at sea) (1937)
LA TORNADE (Another dawn) (1937)
AMOUR D'ESPIONNE (Lancer spy) (1937)
BULLDOG DRUMMOND S'EVADE (Bulldog drummond escapes) (1937)
LA MASCOTTE DU REGIMENT (We Willie Winkie) (1937)
LE MOUCHARD (The informer) (1935)
VILLE SANS LOI (Barbary coast) (1935)
AUBE (Daybreak) (1931)
LA PATROUILLE DE L'AUBE (The dawn patrol) (1930)
LA MEGERE APPRIVOISEE (Taming of the shrew) (1929)
LES DAMNES DE L'OCEAN (The docks of New York) (1928)
CELEBRITY (Celebrity) (1928)
ENOUGH TO DO (Enough to do) (1926)
LA CONQUETE DE BARBARA WORTH (The winning of Barbara Worth) (1926)
WHAT'S THE WORLD COMING TO (What's the world coming to) (1926)
LE MARIAGE DE DUDULE (Should sailors marry ?) (1925)
LARMES DE CLOWN (He who gets slapped) (1924)
WIFE OR COUNTRY (Wife or country) (1918)