Chef opérateur
© Texte : Cinéfiches.com
Date de naissance 11/11/1922
Date de décès 31/05/2017
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LE VOL DE L'INTRUDER (Flight of the intruder) (1990)
UNE CHANCE POUR TOUS (Listen to me) (1989)
WELCOME HOME (Welcome home) (1989)
LES AVENTURES DE BUCKAROO BANZAI DANS LA HUITIEME DIMENSION (The adventures of Buckaroo Banzai in the eighth dimension) (1984)
SECONDE CHANCE (Two of a kind) (1983)
MEURTRES EN DIRECT (The man with the deadly lens) (1982)
IT CAME FROM HOLLYWOOD (It came from hollywood) (1982)
CARBON COPY (Carbon copy) (1981)
FIRST MONDAY IN OCTOBER (First monday in october) (1981)
YES GIORGIO (Yes Giorgio) (1980)
LE CHASSEUR (The hunter) (1980)
FIRST FAMILY (First family) (1980)
AMITYVILLE (The Amityville horror) (1979)
LE CHAMPION (The champ) (1979)
LE JOUR DE LA FIN DU MONDE (When time ran out) (1979)
CORVETTE SUMMER (Corvette summer) (1978)
AVEC LES COMPLIMENTS DE CHARLIE (Love and bullets) (1978)
DE L'AUTRE COTE DE MINUIT (The other side of midnight) (1977)
THE BAD NEWS BEARS IN BREAKING TRAINING (The bad news bears in breaking training) (1977)
TOUCHE PAS A MON GAZON (Fun with Dick and Jane) (1976)
L'ILE DES ADIEUX (Islands in the stream) (1976)
LA THEORIE DES DOMINOS (The domino principle) (1976)
EMBRYO (Embryo) (1976)
LA BRIGADE DU TEXAS (Posse) (1975)
LA ROUTE DE LA VIOLENCE (White line fever) (1975)
DOC SAVAGE ARRIVE (Doc savage : the man of bronze) (1975)
LA TOUR INFERNALE (The towering inferno) (1974)
UPTOWN SATURDAY NIGHT (Uptown saturday night) (1974)
PAPILLON (Papillon) (1973)
LA LOI SELON HARRY (Harry in your pocket) (1973)
LA CHEVAUCHEE DES SEPT MERCENAIRES (The magnificent seven ride !) (1972)
KANSAS CITY BOMBER (Kansas City bomber) (1972)
LA RAGE AU COEUR (Rage) (1972)
DEBOUT LES MINETTES (Stand up and be counted) (1972)
SKIN GAME (Skin game) (1971)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, WANDA JUNE (Happy birthday, Wanda June) (1971)
PATTON (Patton) (1970)
L'INDIEN (The last warrior) (1970)
ORGISSIMO (Beyond the valley of the dolls) (1970)
LE PLUS GRAND DES HOLD-UP (The great bank robbery) (1969)
MIC-MAC AU MONTANA (Stay away Joe) (1968)
LE GRAND FRISSON (Live a little, love a little) (1968)
AU PARADIS A COUPS DE REVOLVER (Heaven with a gun) (1968)
LES CORRUPTEURS (Sol Madrid) (1967)
QUATRE FIANCES POUR UN MARI (Doctor, you've got to be kidding) (1967)
LES TUEURS AU KARATE (The karate killers) (1967)
UN DE NOS ESPIONS A DISPARU (One of our spies is missing) (1966)
L'ESPION AU CHAPEAU VERT (The spy in the green hat) (1966)
UN ESPION DE TROP (One spy too many) (1966)
LE MYSTERE DE LA CHAMBRE FORTE (The spy with my face) (1965)
UN HOMME DOIT MOURIR (The hook) (1963)