LA CAVA Gregory
Metteur en scène
© Texte : Ciné
Date de naissance 10/03/1892
Date de décès 01/03/1952
Vrai nom /
- Fiche de Monsieur Cinéma
Agence ou contact
UN CAPRICE DE VENUS (One touch of Venus) (1948)
LIVING IN A BIG WAY (Living in a big way) (1947)
HISTOIRE INACHEVEE (Unfinished business) (1941)
LE LYS DU RUISSEAU (Primrose path) (1940)
UN ANGE EN TOURNEE (Fifth avenue girl) (1939)
PENSION D'ARTISTES (Stage door) (1937)
MON HOMME GODFREY (My man Godfrey) (1936)
MONDES PRIVES (Private worlds) (1935)
MON MARI LE PATRON (She married her boss) (1935)
BENVENUTO CELLINI (The affairs of Cellini) (1934)
WHAT EVERY WOMAN KNOWS (What every woman knows) (1934)
GABRIEL AU-DESSUS DE LA MAISON BLANCHE (Gabriel over the White House) (1933)
LA REVANCHE DU COEUR (Bed of roses) (1933)
L'AME DU GHETTO (Symphony of six million) (1932)
THE AGE OF CONSENT (The age of consent) (1932)
THE HALF NAKED TRUTH (The half naked truth) (1932)
LAUGH AND GET RICH (Laugh and get rich) (1931)
MON MARI ET SA FIANCEE (Smart woman) (1931)
BIG NEWS (Big news) (1929)
MARIAGE A L'ESSAI (Half a bride) (1928)
AU BOUT DU QUAI (Tell it to Sweeney) (1927)
AÏE, MES AIEULS (So's your old man) (1926)