MARNER Richard
© Texte : Ciné
Date de naissance 27/03/1921
Date de décès 18/03/2004
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LA SOMME DE TOUTES LES PEURS (The sum of all fears) (2002)
AVALANCHE EXPRESS (Avalanche express) (1979)
CES GARCONS QUI VENAIENT DU BRESIL (The boys from Brazil) (1978)
CRIME A DISTANCE (The intercine project) (1974)
LA FILLE DE LA RUE PETROVKA (The girl from petrovka) (1974)
LE SILENCIEUX (L'uomo che non seppe tacere) (1972)
ISADORA (Isadora) (1969)
LES DOUZE SALOPARDS (The dirty dozen) (1967)
ON NE VIT QUE DEUX FOIS (You only live twice) (1967)
PASSEPORT POUR L'OUBLI (Where the spies are) (1965)
L'ESPION QUI VENAIT DU FROID (The spy who came in from the cold) (1965)
OPERATION CROSSBOW (Operation crossbow) (1964)
LA SOURIS SUR LA LUNE (Mouse on the moon) (1963)
MOT DE PASSE COURAGE (The password is courage) (1962)
INTERROGATOIRE SECRET (Circle of deception) (1961)
LE DESERT DE LA PEUR (Ice cold in Alex) (1958)
UN PARACHUTE POUR M. PITKIN (The square peg) (1958)
LE PERCEUR DE COFFRES (The safecracker) (1958)
L'EVADE DU CAMP 1 (The one that got away) (1957)
OH ROSALINDA ! (Oh Rosalinda !) (1955)
MASK OF DUST (Mask of dust) (1954)
LA REINE AFRICAINE (The african queen) (1951)
APPOINTMENT WITH VENUS (Appointment with Venus) (1951)