SMITH Alexis
© Texte : Ciné
Date de naissance 08/06/1921
Date de décès 09/06/1993
Vrai nom SMITH Gladys
- Films in Review (juin/juillet 1970)
- Fiche de Monsieur Cinéma
- Ciné-Revue numéro 31 (1993)
Agence ou contact
Décédée le 09.06.1993 d'un cancer. Epouse de Craig Stevens .....
LE TEMPS DE L'INNOCENCE (The age of innocence) (1993)
COUP DOUBLE (Tough guys) (1986)
LA TRUITE () (1982)
CASEY'S SHADOW (Casey's shadow) (1978)
LA PETITE FILLE AU BOUT DU CHEMIN (The little girl who live down the lane) (1976)
UNE FOIS NE SUFFIT PAS (Jacqueline Susann's once is not enough) (1975)
CE MONDE A PART (The young Philadelphians) (1959)
LE DEMON DE MIDI (This happy feeling) (1958)
L'INGRATE CITE (Beau James) (1956)
PAVILLON DE COMBAT (The eternal sea) (1955)
LA BETE S'EVEILLE (The sleeping tiger) (1954)
LE CRAN D'ARRET (The turning point) (1952)
LA CAVERNE DES HORS-LA-LOI (Cave of outlaws) (1951)
SI L'ON MARIAIT PAPA (Here comes the groom) (1951)
LES FLICS NE PLEURENT PAS (Undercover girl) (1950)
MONTANA (Montana) (1950)
DANGEREUSE MISSION (Wyoming mail) (1950)
LES CHEVALIERS DU TEXAS (South of St. Louis) (1949)
FAITES VOS JEUX (Any number can play) (1949)
ONE LAST FLING (One last fling) (1949)
ALWAYS TOGETHER (Always together) (1948)
LA FEMME EN BLANC (The woman in white) (1948)
THE DECISION OF CHRISTOPHER BLAKE (The decision of Christopher Blake) (1948)
SOUS LE FOUET (Whiplash) (1948)
LE RANCH DES PUR-SANG (Stallion road) (1947)
LA SECONDE MADAME CARROLL (The two Mrs. Carrolls) (1947)
NUIT ET JOUR (Night and day) (1946)
ONE MORE TOMORROW (One more tomorrow) (1946)
L'EMPRISE (Of human bondage) (1946)
THE HORN BLOWS AT MIDNIGHT (The horn blows at midnight) (1945)
SAN ANTONIO (San Antonio) (1945)
RHAPSODIE EN BLEU (Rhapsody in blue) (1945)
LES AVENTURES DE MARK TWAIN (The adventures of Mark Twain) (1944)
HOLLYWOOD CANTEEN (Hollywood canteen) (1944)
THE DOUGHGIRLS (The doughgirls) (1944)
REMERCIEZ VOTRE BONNE ETOILE (Thank your lucky stars) (1943)
TESSA LA NYMPHE AU COEUR FIDELE (The constant nymph) (1943)
GENTLEMAN JIM (Gentleman Jim) (1942)
BOMBARDIERS EN PIQUE (Dive bomber) (1941)
STEEL AGAINST THE SKY (Steel against the sky) (1941)
THREE SONS O'GUNS (Three sons o'guns) (1941)
THE SMILING GHOST (The smiling ghost) (1941)
HERE COMES HAPPINESS (Here comes happiness) (1941)
SINGAPORE WOMAN (Singapore woman) (1941)
MA FEMME SE MARIE DEMAIN (Affectionately yours) (1941)
THE GREAT MR. NOBODY (The great Mr. Nobody) (1941)
SHE COULDN'T SAY NO (She couldn't say no) (1941)
FLIGHT FROM DESTINY (Flight from destiny) (1941)
LA FEMME AUX CHEVEUX ROUGES (Lady with red hair) (1940)