Chef opérateur
© Texte : Cinéfiches.com
Date de naissance 24/08/1943
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Agence ou contact
CLOSE ENCOUNTERS WITH VILMOS ZSIGMOND (Close Encounters with Vilmos Zsigmond) (2016)
HERCULE (3D) (Hercules) (2014)
LE CRIME DU SOMMELIER (Vinodentro) (2013)
PUBLIC ENEMIES (Public enemies) (2009)
MANIPULATION (Deception) (2008)
COUP D'ECLAT (After the sunset) (2004)
DRAGON ROUGE (Red dragon) (2002)
PINOCCHIO (Pinocchio) (2002)
BANDITS (Bandits) (2001)
WONDER BOYS (Wonder boys) (2000)
REVELATIONS (The insider) (1999)
FAMILY MAN (Family man) (1999)
GOODBYE LOVER (Goodbye lover) (1998)
L'AUTRE SOEUR (The other sister) (1998)
L.A. CONFIDENTIAL (L.A. confidential) (1997)
LECONS DE SEDUCTION (The mirror has two faces) (1996)
HEAT (Heat) (1995)
MARCHAND DE REVES (L'uomo delle stelle) (1995)
BLINK (Blink) (1994)
NELL (Nell) (1994)
MORT OU VIF (The quick and the dead) (1994)
LE DERNIER DES MOHICANS (The last of the Mohicans) (1992)
LA FIN EST CONNUE (La fine e nota) (1992)
IL SEGRETO DEL BOSCO VECCHIO (Il segreto del bosco vecchio) (1992)
CELLINI, L'OR ET LE SANG (Una vita scellerata) (1991)
FRANKIE ET JOHNNY (Frankie and Johnny) (1991)
LE JEU DU POUVOIR (True colors) (1991)
ETRANGE SEDUCTION (The comfort of strangers) (1990)
LA LEGENDE DU SAINT BUVEUR (La leggenda del santo bevitore) (1988)
AU FIL DE LA VIE (Beaches) (1988)
FAIR GAME (Mamba) (1988)
LES EAUX PRINTANIERES (Torrents of spring) (1988)
ILLEGALEMENT VOTRE (Illegally yours) (1988)
FROM THE HIP (From the hip) (1987)
ARIA (7) (Aria) (1987)
CRIMES DU COEUR (Crimes of the heart) (1986)
LE SIXIEME SENS (Manhunter) (1985)
ON DANGEROUS GROUND (On dangerous ground) (1985)
BERLIN AFFAIR (Berlin interior) (1985)
AINSI PARLAIT BELLAVISTA (Cosi parlo Bellavista) (1984)
SOTTO ... SOTTO, STRAPAZZATO DA ANOMALA PASSIONE (Sotto ... sotto, strapazzato da anomala passione) (1984)
LES PLAISIRS INTERDITS (Fotografando Patrizia) (1984)
LE CHOIX DES SEIGNEURS (I paladini, storia d'armi e d'amori) (1983)
CENDRILLON 80 (Cenerentola '80) (1983)
SOGNO DI UNA NOTTE DI MEZZA ESTATE (Sogno di una notte di mezza estate) (1982)
QUARTETTO BASILEUS (Il quartetto basileus) (1981)
IL MINESTRONE (Il minestrone) (1981)
LA DESOBEISSANCE (La disubbidienza) (1980)