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Date de naissance 04/01/1905
Date de décès 10/01/1972
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Comédie australien ayant fait carrière en Angleterre .....
DEMONSTRATOR (Demonstrator) (1971)
THAT LADY FROM PEKING (That lady from Peking) (1970)
L'HOMME QUI SORTAIT DU BAGNE (Adam's woman) (1969)
TOUT FEU TOUT FLAMME (Go to blazes) (1961)
L'HABIT FAIT LE MOINE (Law and disorder) (1958)
CRIME AU MUSEE DES HORREURS (Horrors of the black museum) (1958)
UN PARACHUTE POUR M. PITKIN (The square peg) (1958)
S.O.S. SCOTLAND YARD (The long arm) (1956)
AU COIN DE LA RUE (Street corner) (1953)
DE L'OR EN BARRES (The lavender hill mob) (1951)
LES TRAFIQUANTS DU DUNBAR (Pool of London) (1950)
ATTENTAT A TEHERAN (Teheran) (1947)
LA REVANCHE (The day will dawn) (1942)
LA CHANSON DU BONHEUR (Danny boy) (1941)
THE CASE OF THE FRIGHTENED LADY (The case of the frightened lady) (1940)
UN DROLE DE FLIC (Spare a copper) (1940)
OLD BILL AND SON (Old Bill and son) (1940)
VINGT-ET-UN JOURS ENSEMBLE (Twenty-one days) (1939)
ME AND MY PAL (Me and my pal) (1939)
DEAD MEN ARE DANGEROUS (Dead men are dangerous) (1939)
THE MIND OF MR. REEDER (The mind of Mr. Reeder) (1939)
VIVENT LES ETUDIANTS (A yank at Oxford) (1938)
CATCH AS CATCH CAN (Catch as catch can) (1937)
FIND THE LADY (Find the lady) (1936)
THE SILENCE OF DEAN MAITLAND (The silence of Dean Maitland) (1934)
DANS LE SILLAGE DU BOUNTY (In the wake of the Bounty) (1933)